James DeRiven

Sure, sure, love Gwen, we all love Gwen, great and all, but where’s Peni Parker meeting different Peni Parker variants from different eras of anime? I want to see Ultra-Moé mid-00s Peni Parker and her gang of differently-haired but otherwise identical friends. I want to see weird-leg-proportions and overly-angular

Roiland has demonstrated repeatedly what an ass he is that even if these specifically allegation were untrue, he sounds like a lazy boorish prick to work with and everyone seems happy to be rid of him.

Alternatively: why would I go to an overloud theatre with the dogshit audio mixing that is endemic to all modern movies when I can pirate it at home, for free, with subtitles that allow me to fucking understand the picture, and an ability to pause and go pee should I need to sometime during another unending 200+

God I wish we could agree to scrap Rogue one so Andor would be free to tell its own story and not feel beholden to two and a half hours of Jyn Erso scowling.

Yes but Elementals wasn’t original. Everyone saw the trailer and went ‘that looks really derivative’ and then they saw it and went ‘yeah, that was really derivative.’

You’re talking about the company that made The Incredible 2, possibly the worst movie ever made not because it was bad but because it was utterly


File it under the same twats who keep ‘fixing’ animation and television by up-scaling the framerate on Youtube so they and their fellow dipshits can all coo over how ‘smooth’ and ‘realistic’ the AI smear looks.

Gamer brain is fatal.

Because given its size and complexity it will just run better. Next question.

Christian Bale Big Serious Batman Coice is that exact same voice he uses for the ridiculous Bird Howl in Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s a silly performance in a silly movie that think Batman is interesting because he growls.

The Batman I’ve loved for decades comes from a sprawling oft-dysfuctional family of adopted kids:

Hate everything Nolan did to Batman: functionally cementing Frank Miller’s shitty take for the better part of two decades. Miserable, joyless dreck.

I’d rather watch Batman and Robin over any Nolan Batman flick—at least if i watch B&R there’s a non-zero chance I might actually have a moment of enjoyment.

So long as every one of you dumb motherfuckers keeps paying for this shit—bemoaning the quality but never collectively not giving them your money and time—this will keep happening to you and by this point I have zero sympathy.

Why are you still here? Seriously. What red line will actually matter?

Black Widow is the only good Phase 4 movie.

So much of those movies were not Jackson’s fault.

But he could have saved a butload of money and time had he not pushed to film them in 48FPS so that the films look worse in 2023 than the decade-older LOTR films do.

She did her best in two seasons of Star Trek Picard. Not sure what anyone else could have done with what she was given.

What people WANT is another Shadows of Mordor game, but WB fucked us all over there, the twats.

That take is so stupid its breathtaking.

Its one of the very few movies I’d describe as ‘hateful’ that wasn’t, y’kniw, actual hate-speech.

There’s something so nasty about it, so viscerally unpleasant—it harms this small dinousaur kid in ways that feel stentorian and judgemental. Despite the fact that dinosaur boy isn’t really being ‘judged’ for any wrong

Never got the Scott Pilgrim hype but it’s mostly because I find Michael Cera unbearable as an ‘actor,’ and the film never really justifies what makes Ramona worth pursuing because its Knives who gets all the fleshing-out. (I mean if nothing else at least the movie’s awful Scott and cardboard standee Ramona deserve

The thing is I know now I was never good enough. Not even a little bit.