James DeRiven

The origin was ‘we sunk so much money into this franchise and it still doesn’t make enough to satisfy our impossible need to have infinite growth so we’re just going to keep making everything Star Wars we can until we either win capitalism or our company collapses.’

That’s it. That’s the origin. No creativity or ounce

And people still, en masse, don’t really want it.

Back in 2020, it finally made the jump to TV with the Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous series for Netflix, whose six-season run ended back in November of last year.”

Streaming television is fucking broken if we’re getting six ‘seasons’ of a TV show in under three years. Shows come and go in the blink of an eye now its

It sounds dumb as fuck every time someone swears in Trek. It’s so childish.

This might sound ironic but it’s not: cursing usually sounds better in real life than in fiction. In fiction it so often comes off as try hard.

That one scene in The Wire not withstanding.

While there’s a lot to laud in the Clone Wars series, it took Lucas’ bad prequel ideas about the Jedi and tripled down on them, so we’re left with these group that policed the galaxy with only 10,000 individuals, all of whom were seemingly fools.

There’s so many valid things to be bullying this asshat over why’d they go with the superficial one?

“Just fine” is SNW in a nutshell really. Some great episodes. Some awful episodes. Terrible dialogue. Good actors. Yet another Trek set with inexplicably too many light sources.

It all works out to ‘fine.’

Clearly you’re not watching Prodigy. It’s the serious animated Trek show you’re looking for.

Because Ibsen made different movies!

Meet me in Saint Louis a great movie with terrible hair.

They wanted Joe Pantoliano originally but he was too old.

Twenty years from now they say the rarest Funko pop may go for a whole three dollars!

Unlike Spider-punk, I didn’t spend his scenes wishing there were subtitles.

The Dances with Wolves sequel was weird...

I believe by ‘Coruscant’ you mean ‘Tatooine’ — you know, that backwater planet where nothing important ever happened except for everything?

Eating Dogshit While Getting Kicked In The Balls At All Meals is here to stay and we should really just learn to adapt and accept it.

That sentence was hopefully coherent to you, contextually baffling though it may be.

That’s... a lot of time to give to a TV show to see if it improves.

I am from a decade in the future to tell you Section 31 as a concept only gets dumber!

Hey it’s over ten years in the future from this comment: Section 31 was stupid in 1998 and mired in a NuTrek that has mined the OoOoH WhAt iF We dEcOnTrUsT RoDeNbErRy’s vIsIoN to fucking death it is positively asinine.

It’s lazy. It’s a lazy, easy cynicism that’s completely gormless.