James DeRiven

Nope! You’re wrong and foolish.

John Mulaney had a sitcom?

Mom looked absolutely abysmal when the trailers came out but in the years since I’ve heard people speak highly of it?

That’s a shame, you missed Luca, an underrated Studi-Ghibli-esque delight.

I can’t. I think having a brain would preclude such an action.

The Uwe Boll one that employs people why is this a fucking question?

No Man’s Sky broke crafting on my PS4 with a patch last summer: I haven’t been able to change colour on any item since: not on my file, not on a new file, not on a new file on a new account. it’s not game—breaking but it’s so irritating, and its aggravated by the fact that I’ve never gotten a single response to a bug

We used to mix our own but I can’t image that would fly in the HD era—hell, its suck a concern that so many shows working with large fake-material sets (like Trek) tend to underlight things just to hide everything they can.

An anti-hero does have to be palatable, however. If he does nothing but snivel and cry no one wants to spend time with him. and thats all Gollum does.

And the Mordor games are a lot of fun mechanically—the story is abysmal, you’re saddled with a personality-less slab of meat and his kill-joy whiney ghost companion,

Pirate everything now. That show you love doesn’t need the views to survive because it’s going to be killed on a schedule like a pig at a stockyard anyway. Engagement no longer matters: cutting off all your subscriptions and not giving these fuckers any more money until they understand how unacceptable this is is the

I mean it would have been fine mechanically, but Gollum’s not a protagonist. Gandalf even has a whole speech about what an utterly self-absorbed, self-pitying, exhausting little shithead the guy is, and the nature of his story is we know he doesn’t get better.

Plus there already is a Mordor stealth game: its the OG

I came here to make this joke based on the headline and then learned the article had made it for me! Curses!

Free if you live in one country and one country only.

Tactics advance and FFXII have the only bearable moogles.

A phone app has never been the best way to read anything. 

That’s not true of Cricket. One of the reason T20 proved so frightening to the Test Cricket was ho disruptive it was to their whole ‘franchise.’

... that and the fact that it’s vulgar, shit Americanized cricket and it’s made the game worse, but that’a s different problem. As-is if you don’t like playing for Cricket

I feel the same way about Star trek Discovery’s use of queer characters right now. Yeah, they have five queer characters!

And they all hang out together in the ship’s basement only doing queer stories and interacting with the rest of the cast as little as possible. And wow, it’s amazing to have the first transmasc in

My favourite scene in Breaking Bad.

Why does Cuse, the largest member of the production staff, not merely eat the rest of the crew?

Reading the first volume of The Fifty Year Mission in becomes evident that everyone from the OG Star Trek - cast and crew alike - are still intensely bitter about everyone else and the entire miserable experience.