James DeRiven

What I find more amazing is the number of people angrily defending the right of megacorporations to produce and sell them mediocre dogshit. You saw this with the Mario movie, as a huge number of people crawled out of the woodwork to take umbrage at the idea that people would be upset that the movie was lousy: they had

The stuff with Chang in season 3 is bad.

There, I said it.

We don’t get the accessibility patch either.

It’s fine, the laws of war aren’t retroactive to my knowledge.

It’s the button the emperor uses to tell the one gladiator to kill the other gladiator.

Much prefer the blown-our pastels, they’re bizarre and ephemeral. The actual art is over-saturated.

I’d like to lay aside the controversy about JK Rowling’s political beliefs for minute to instead focus on how Quidditch is a terrible fucking game with horrid rules and her worldbuilding is lazy dogshit not worth the hagiography of its fans.

No you’re right and you should say it: this looks labour-intensive and hideous.

I remember sitting through Captain Marvel going ‘why is everyone comfortably praising a movie you can’t fucking see’?

Film literacy is so low that people genuinely don’t notice bad editing and bad lighting because they have no conception that it might be otherwise. It’s like Americans thinking hot house tomatoes in Walm

The original books were very political, it’s just that Matilda Joslyn Gage’s son-in-law Frank L. Baum’s proto-feminist manifesto doesn’t read as such to anyone over a hundred years on.

I take your point but jokes aside Black Window was the only good Phase 4 movie.

I just don’t get why so many people passionately defend the right of megacorps to produce shitty garbage for children. I don’t know, I think kids deserve better than shit, but I guess I’m weird that way.

That does sound like fun - ‘play whatever you want, whenever you want’ is a far better philosophy than we get from companies these days.

... they’re cardboard with ink, dude. They cost fractions of cents to produce, and come out of the same printers as the rest of them. The only reason they ‘rare’ is a deliberate choice by the manufacturer to produce a small number to create a scarcity market - it is artificial scarcity by design.

Comparing this choice

The continued weekly drama over the ups and downs of the fake-scarcity market is extremely funny.

Have you never seen a good kid movie? One that was fun, smart, entertained kids and adults. and had something to say? What is wrong with you people that you’re always so eager to stand up for poor, vulnerable mediocre kids entertainment maybe by multi-billion dollar mega-corporations who can outlay the trivial expense

Why didn’t they consult me, the most important person in the universe?

As someone who buys a computer with the hope that I can get at least a decade’s use out of it, the idea that I could have purchased enough computers to have developed a pattern of first-installs is beyond me.

It was like needing Wonder Woman to succeed even though Gal Gadot is frequently out-acted by standees of Gal Gadot.

Brie Larson has thus-far been squandered in a non-entity character who got showed up in her own movie by a bunch of better-developed male characters getting the lion’s share of the movie’s focus.