James DeRiven

It was so frustrating how everyone piled on Captain Marvel to shit all over it for staring a woman instead of piling on it for actual valid reasons, like the terrible lighting, bad editing, or the fact that nominally the first female-led Marvel movie spends a huge chunk of its time going ‘gee what’s badly de-aged Nick

I count the time I went out with friends who were Pokémon GO players to be one of the most tedious outings of my life. IT always felt like the outline of a game, like everyone was still waiting for the actual game to arrive.

Star Wars lore is always layered, and each layer after the first layer is stupid.

I’m not even being facetious: all deep Star Wars lore is deeply stupid and runs entirely off the false premise that more is better. It’s what led to something like the Obi-Wn show where he can’t just have been a hermit hiding in the

We don’t talk like that. What you want is “It’s a me, Mariou!”

... those movies are so utterly divergent I cannot for the life of me ascertain what rhetoric point you were trying to make about ‘films like that’ beyond critically successful.

No one—anywhere—expected the Mario movie to be the next Whiplash. At all. It never came up.

One led from the other, honestly.

So did my first two husbands.

Skimming over your comment I thought ‘Catalan’ was ‘Canadian’ and had a brief, delightful thought of Mario’s voice being re-recorded so as to make sure Canadians weren’t exposed to nasty American diphthongs.

Fuck. Fuck they did. Fuck they did and I forgot.

God fucking damnit.

But will they finally fix the bug that keeps me from changing my base’s colours for a year?

Ah, you’re right. We should start arming pranksters.

Yeah but markets are sometimes slow to realizing how stupid they’re being. Definitely by last year though it was clear that esports still aren’t making it into the mainstream the way people keep dreaming.

The first Despicable Me had the bones of a much better movie, but zero courage of its convictions.

You lost me at ‘if.

Faze Clan, which as recently as last year seemed an unstoppable cultural force for the genre of dudes who both play video games and aspire to own lambos, is in trouble”

I’ll be honest: no, it didn’t really seem like that. It seemed like an over-capitalized flash in the pan that was going to crash and burn because they

Hey, look, I’m glad. I liked Feist! Glad she’s still making music! Wish she hadn’t have to come back to headlines because Arcade Fire did something shitty.

In a country that was sane this man would have been punched in the nose for being a prat n camera and that would be the end of it, a simple lesson easily learned with nothing genuinely horrendous as a consequence.

Instead someone shot a guy in a mall because it was totally okay for him to be armed in a fucking mall and

Weird. Given his violent a hatred of trans people you think he’d be happy beer companies were try to get trans communities to consume more of their neurotoxin. It’ll drive up their cancer rates, heart disease rates, and increase their already catastrophic suicide rates: it’ll kill more queer and trans people, everythin

And in any case I didn’t say she didn’t make new music, but she did completely disappear from headlines and news articles across any of the cultural websites that I follow. She was headlines news for a bit and then... wasn’t.

What algorithm. I don’t stream music.