James DeRiven

Unlikely. Heap didn’t vanish: she composed the music for... sigh... Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

To be fair the first movie’s not very good. The romantic through-line falls flat, its second act spins its wheels, it survives primarily on people walking away with memories of the major set-pieces and some quips, but structurally it sags and stumbles throughout. Ronan is utterly forgettable, and a great cast is

Oh, no, there’s far more unappealing anime out there. I’m not saying One Piece is good, I’m just saying there’s some really, really, really unappealing anime out there that’s never going to get name-dropped on Kotaku.

(But even sticking to the mainstream I find everything about JJBA to be far more viscerally unpleasant

I’d have switched out the MHA one for something a little more precise like “stand up for what’s right (unless it’s sexual harassment in which case pretend it isn’t happening and wait for it to pass)“

It did.

The nature of having a show split into half a dozen distinct, largely non-interacting stories means I liked some of those a whole lot, and others not at all.

I am glad to hear it, because in terms of cultural relevance she completely vanished and I didn’t hear her name for over a decade until this Arcade Fire thing went down.

When the article started to talk about Leslie Feist I got confused and just assumed that there was some other Feist I didn’t know about and that’s why she was being quantified.

Quick question: where the fuck has she been since roughly 2008 and was Corinne Bailey Rae there with her?

Om the downside, then you have to play through Stormblood, an absolute narrative mess of an expansion.

People always say the want to subscribe but then they just complain it contains nothing but sponsorship drives and rants about how we should bring back Captain Star.

My thinkpiece on why Mouse from Reboot was the hottest animated character of 90s got a lot of praise, though.

Oh, yeah, the show is bad. That the second episode is the cartoonishly racist The Blind Banker should have been the dead give-away from the start: but again, I get why people hung on. You chop individual scenes out of Sherlock and you go ‘man that looks slick/cool/is well acted/is funny”, and they are—its only when you

It literally made me feel ill. It was so shockingly cruel.

In a post-Rust world we could probably revise the misleading syntax in the headline.

Yeah I’ve seen it, but I generally don’t find the anti-Sherlock discourse terribly interesting in and of itself because it usually boils down to just some trumped-up form of cringe culture that ends-up being super unfair to your younger self. (Like in Sherlock’s example the pilot is still really good and the cast is

I wrote below how I bailed on DW during the first Chibnail season (and haven’t been back) because the show built up how progressive it was going to be and then wrote a disturbingly reactionary and centrist story where our female protagonist stands around passively all of the time an is now super into incrementalism.

I bailed in her first season because the show was really uncomfortably reactionary and I really didn’t like how the first female doctor was written so passively. The episode where Pseudo-Trump gets people killed and the Doctor’s respond is to look sad about it than wander away. The episode where it turns out Space

Doctor Who ran into this problem under RTD’s bloated tenure (seriously, why is anyone excited he’s coming back?)

The dollar difference plus customs plus shipping kind of erases the price savings. Even if I did it in person (with 90% of Canadians within a hundred miles of the US border getting into the states isn’t crazy-difficult), when you add in the dollar exchange, replacing my expired passport, and gas and other expenses it

I preferred Cougerton Abbey.

Given the current minimum wage of some of his employees, can Mr. Schultz prove that the work he has done is commensurate to the labour of one his employees working without pause for over 53000 years?