James DeRiven

If you made $500 an hour and worked without a single break for a little over two hundred and twenty-eight years you would have earned a billion dollars (before tax, anyway). I am sure Mr. Schultz has the receipts to prove that his labour was commiserate with a $500/hour wage for over seven hundred years straight of

Nearly exclusively so—and most you get an occasion mention for the fact that Australians pay more for video games than practically anyone, but even then its presented as little more than a curio. It’s just All US All The Time[1], which makes sense from an audience viewpoint but is underwhelming from understanding

I keep dreaming about a PS5. Zero opportunity to get one given that in Canada they cost a grand and I don’t have that kind of money lying around. I’ve been struggling for work since before the Pandemic.

Masters of Doom taught me that John Carmack is human garbage for how he treated his cat and it bothers me that he’s dodged karmic retribution all these years.

I’d have gotten it. I’d have laughed.

Damn dirty commies want a world without 47 Funko pop variants of Sheldon Cooper.

I take umbrage at your insinuation that any design work went into a Funko pop.

Indistinguishable from what they look like outside a landfill: garbage.

Yeah but that’s twenty bucks I have no reason to spend if I can just use a ROM or disk image.

It’s a lot harder to Cask of Amontillado people in real life anyway.

Besides the folks below pointing out the difficulty of putting discs into a isc drive, I don’t even own a computer that can take a disc anymore.

I like to imagine getting Liam and Peebee into the airlock together, maybe hinting at some romance, and then flushing them into the nearest sun.

FFXIII’s problem isn’t gameplay, it’s that everyone in it is boring.

DC has a pretty deep bench, to be fair.

Damnit. Why must you make me add ‘watch through all of Digimon finally’ to my to-do list?

The only reason to twist an Oreo is so you can ditch that awful cream and enjoy a tasty cookie.

That would be a ridiculous thing to do since Black Widow exists and also didn’t squander America Chavez.

The Egyptians were particularly bad about this. At least in the west cultural shifts have us getting uptight about cousin marriages that no one would have blinked an eye even a hundred years ago, but the Egyptian royals crossed lines almost ever culture normally steers well clear of.

Your local classicist here who just wants to be pedantic that saying Cleopatra was a ‘woman of colour’ (at least by modern standards) is really difficult given that she was not ethnically Egyptian but Macedonian and her dynasty was pretty incesty,  meaning she likely resembled Alexander the Great more than Ramses II.


I have similar issues with Evangeline Lilly whose one go-to expression is consternation. There’s models-turned-actors who do incredible work—Charlize Theron, Milla Jovovich, heck even Eddie Redmayne in the right role—and then there’s folks where you’re like ‘ah, so the face was really all they had going for them, huh?’