James DeRiven

I mean I’d consider Jonathan Blow’s last game challenging, but to call it an arch-nemesis seems overblown...

I’m not saying the R&M fandom is peachy-keen, but the SU fandom was especially virulent because it was SO at odds with he themes of the show. R&M fans being kind of shitty is just, y’know, of course they are. Unsurprising.

Hard disagree. Future frequently felt like the End of Evangelion of Steven Univrser: a weirdly bitter and unpleasant 90 minutes that just screamed YOU ALL LIKED THE SHOW WRONG AND I’M GOING TO PUNISH YOU FOR IT.

Or maybe it just came out at a really bad time, and in the midst of the fear and panic of lockdown a story

The woman has less screen presence than Orlando Bloom, which I didn’t think was humanly possible. It’s amazing that someone that stunning can be so completely forgettable.

Imagine giving enough of a shit about the cameo at the end of Shazam 2 to create a conspiracy about it. Imagine carrying half as much, in any way, about Shazam 2, a movie we already all forgot happened.

Oh, and I forgot to add: of course you’re a real girl (though I’m sure you don’t need a stranger to tell you that) and your ex can to hell for being such a piece of shit.

And ruining a great movie!

I’ve really struggled to go back to Mystery Science Theatre because I had a vicious and frankly baffling falling-out with the best-friend with whom I had shared a love of the show for a decade.

It fucking sucks.

See, I read that as ‘by the time he was sleeping next to his PS4 his relationship was on the outs.’ He’s not sleeping next to his PS4 because he plays games too much, he’s sleeping there because he’s no longer allowed to sleep in the bedroom in the bed: he’s in exile on the floor of his living room or the couch and

To be fair, EA doesn’t want you playing Titanfall anyways.


The Rick and Morty fandom didn’t bully artists off Twitter with death threats for not making character ‘fat enough’ in art.

I was in the Steven Universe fandom and at its worse it was shockingly vile. I watched people argue for anti-miscegenation, claiming that humans and gems (especially Rose and Greg) could never eth

The Lego Movie already proved it: everything in LEGO should be LEGO. Full stop.

I got emotional reading this and I don’t even like Pokemon and haven’t seen an episode of the show since, I don’t know, 2003 maybe?

Stupid dumb emotions.

Oh, yeah, everyone here keeps thinking I think Logan Paul deserves to get away with it. Fuck no, fuck that guy, he’s a fraudster, he deserves far worse that a petty 4K fine. But the people who gave him money after the first fraud???? Those are the people I cannot see as victims. It’s not like he put on a moustache and

Logan Paul committed fraud. He deserves to be punished for it. But anyone who gave him money for the second fraud had all the information they needed not to do that. They’re not investors, they’re just gamblers, and we don’t go around rewarding stupid gamblers unless they run banks.

Treating stupid gamblers like stupid gamblers is not warping the cause of justice. The first time Logan Paul ran a scam, those people were victims - unwise in investing in Logan Paul, maybe, but still victims. The second time? No. You gamble investing money with someone publicly known to run scams, you’re not a

I’m not running a defence of fraudsters: everyone keeps acting like I don’t think Logan Paul committed fraud. He absolutely did.



It is open goddamn fucking knowledge that his first crypto scam was a scam. So I stand by my points: anyone who gave him money the second time is not a victim. They’re


Man, Wind Waker looked great when it came out. It looks pretty great now. I love it when a game focuses on looking interesting more than 1:1 recreations of people looking muddy and miserable. At some point the pursuit of graphics just became an end to itself, and it’s very dull.

So a few months back Youtuber Coffeezilla ran a much-praised video series documenting the failure of Longan Paul’s egg-oriented NFT ‘game’ scam. It included lots of testimonials from Logan’s Paul’s victims, sharing their stories of how they were scammed and the money they lost.

The problem with that video series,