Vader being ‘super powerful’ is a shitty retcon of the prequels. You watch A New Hope he’s just a thug.
Vader being ‘super powerful’ is a shitty retcon of the prequels. You watch A New Hope he’s just a thug.
Mega Man Legends had a dual-timeline sword phase mechanic and an ocarina-based melodic teleportation mechanic?
“The dude bought 866 Wii U games” all of which were still being sold at their original market rates of 70 dollars.
I agree with everything you say except when you lay Braveheart out there like being in is the apotheosis of your (otherwise excellent) rhetorical points.
It’s a terrible movie.
Glad to know HFW has a climbing guide. I am playing through the first game and the climbing is, by far, the game’s worst element. Coming off of something like AC:O or Shadows of War you’re already used to a ‘climb everything’ mentality and keep being deeply irritated why very climbable looking things aren’t climbable,…
“I’d rather try the mod that turns enemies into Pokémon. That seems less terrifying.”
Hasn’t it just.
I mean this WAS my first worried thought.
I mean it’s not like it gets any play, it’s only us legacy losers still inexplicably hanging around this utterly broken comment app.
I can see how someone like yourself, morally and intellectual wrong literally all of the time, could find the progressive bias towards empathy, kindness, tolerance frustrating, especially since progressive’s oh-so-vaunted-tolerance seemingly does not extend to feeding your victim complex or putting-up with your enormou…
I miss regular Monster Factory.
Alright, what catastrophically bad idea is Twitch going to announce in the next couple of months that he wanted to get-out ahead of?
Oh it’s a nightmare. The game is bad. I don’t mean the ideas are bad, conceptually, I just mean it’s busted and not fun and all over the place, at least the last time I played it in... 2019 or so. If memory served RIS wasted tonnes of money and time needlessly trying to reinvent the first person headcam, pulling shit…
Oh... you haven’t heard, huh...
His spear was so much more interesting and I can’t wait until he ditches this stupid thing.
Final Fantasy X was a huge hit, and having finally played it all the way through recently I found it held up really well.
FFXIII ran the franchise into trouble because it’s awful and features of the cast of the most extraordinarily uniteresting people. I’m kind of shocked they didn’t choose to set their new NFT…
I’ll say what I always say about Star Citizen: I have paid no money for it, do not own a computer than could even play it, ever, and my experience with it is pre-pandemic trials at my friend’s place that were extremely janky and broke a lot. My skin in the game is nothing.
But every time I played the game I saw the…
Star Wars has never been improved by the introduction of prophecies.
When are we going to accept that lightsabers are stupid and that by all rights Jedi—canonically disturbingly unobservant dipshits—would just be constantly and casually slicing through things they didn’t intend to, usually their own body parts. Every Jedi should have at least one cybernetic limb owing to an entirely…
Of course a drunk pony would say something like that.
As a sober pony I’d say it looks terrible.