James DeRiven

I love Dungeons and Dragons and thought last week's episode was the worst of the series - even worse than the Manotaurs.

AV Club threads generally read like dialogue from Archer. You keep waiting for the OP to show up and scream like Mallory to try and get everyone to focus on their original point.

The closest I have ever been to Denver was watching episodes of Denver the Last Dinosaur.

Aren't all movies just glorified clip shows when you arbitrarily decided that scenes that share narrative purpose are little more than clips?

Worf, given that he was raised on Earth, is speaking whatever Human language he was raised with. HE learned Klingon as he entered adolescence and started being interested in his own culture.

Downvoted for plugging. You? Blog.

Downvoted? For? Plugging, you blog!

Downvoted for plugging; you blog.

Hamlet IV: The Legend of Osric's Gold!

Hamlet, no!

REM's 'End of the World as We know it" is unquestionably stronger in its live versions than as a studio recording. Live it has an incredible, raucous energy; in the studio, it is rather staid.

Is there anything as perfect as Super Train?

Miles O'Keefe.

Damnit, I was just about to make that joke!

"Sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power!"

Cue people screaming about Majora's Mask

What? I'm shocked. Normally I glance at this comment section out of masochism and discover it's overflowing with hate for Simon Abrams. Yet I see none. I'm kind of like Faye in this episode.