James daSilva

That was great. I think Carrey cracks up and says something like, "Oh no, they've discovered my secret!"

I had always heard (and maybe the "NewsRadio" commentaries contain this, too) that they tried to write the characters with some of the real-life quirks. And so Maura/Lisa slapping someone on the knee because she thinks of a story sounds just right. Also, from having watched the bloopers, I was happy to see she still

Gotta say, that storage-place woman was the least impressive part, unless she was doing a nearly word-for-word imitation of John Mulaney's "Law & Order" bit. http://www.rooftopcomedy.co…

Gotta say, that storage-place woman was the least impressive part, unless she was doing a nearly word-for-word imitation of John Mulaney's "Law & Order" bit. http://www.rooftopcomedy.co…

The violence montage was excellent; so was Barney's line "“They’re six minutes into the date — Ted’s probably already told her that he loves her!”

Has Paula Marshall hit double digits yet for short-lived shows? All the CBS shows that potentially involve serial killers in the plot, and the most deadly one was right under the network's nose. Or eye, in CBS' case.