But Trump talks tough. And wannabe tough guys love a wannabe tough talker.
But Trump talks tough. And wannabe tough guys love a wannabe tough talker.
Correct. Trump said China would pay the tariffs, but the dumbfuck doesn’t realize those costs are ultimately passed on to the consumer. And apparently the MAGAmorons believed him. I’m sure one of his advisors told him this, but he never corrected his statement because he’s never wrong. About anything.
Most, if not all of the MAGA crowd believes China pays the tariff.
“Didn’t want handouts” my ass.
The important takeaway is that he’s such a weirdo that it was believable. Even though that specific example is fake, it’s indicative of the vibes that Vance gives off. That’s the kind of thing Colbert calls “truthiness.”
No I saw it. I didn’t want to, but I saw that man JD Vance have unprotected penetrative intercourse with an eight piece sectional, while wearing a wig and women’s clothing. There was also kissing.
I blame my broken clock on Jimmy Carter Clinton Obama Hillary Biden Kamela!
Trumpito’s tariffs didn’t work the last time. He doubled the trade deficit and consumer prices inevitably increased.
Wasn’t just soy. Almost all farming has now been turned to South America for the Asian imports.
And let’s not forget how he was going to save jobs at the Carrier plant in Indiana. “In 2016, President Donald Trump campaigned on promises to save U.S. manufacturing jobs from leaving the country, including hundreds at the Indianapolis Carrier plant. . . . The Indianapolis plant made national headlines when then…
That’s the thing: China’s government seems to be willing to do anything in order to become the number one economy in the world. AND they think Americans are idiots.
I know that it was a completely fake story about Vance and the couch.
The tariff is hardly the magic fix these fuckwits seem to think it is. I recall US soybean farmers losing their biggest customer after Trump tried to play the trade war game with China resulting in them having to be bailed out by the gov’t to the tune of $28 billion. They must think Americans are idiots, or are just…
I heard she’s the reason they stopped making eight tracks. #VeryTrumpFacts
She’s the reason we no longer have Packard or Rambler. She killed Gommora and Black Widow. It’s because of HER that you have to pay extra to get a combo burrito at Taco Bell. My dog use to be happy until she saw Kamala call Donald Trump a poppy butt and now she won’t eat. She makes to sun go away every day at 7pm. I…
Beavis or Butthead would be way better VPs than this couchfucker.
It seems like they picked a “young guy” out of a hat and ended up with this clown. Looking more and more like a repeat of the “woman” running mate pick that could see Russia from her porch but not that she was gonna lose that election for her team.
So on their list of possible VPs, this is the best they went with? Who were the others, Beavis, Butthead, and Spongebob?
MAGAts somehow always make broken clocks appear intelligent.
Man I wish any of these had hatches.