yeah i can see that
yeah i can see that
You CAN buy transparent shells for many video gaming systems...
Unless you're Chris Berman, then it's J.J. WHAAAAAAT (your welcome Dan Patrick LOL)
I couldn't agree anymore than what you already said, I loved VI ever since i had it as FF3 on my SNES!!!!
yeah the black ones got recalled at my store's shelves...
I will buy these 5-10 packages at a time at Target, but the main problem is, so will other people!!! I love red vines/twizzlers, but not near enough as Darrell Lea liquorice...
The biggest problem with this is, the size will get smaller..but charge the same damn price....
I wished the Expos would have never left Montreal...They had a great team in the 90's.
Charter TV in DFW looks horrible. I can watch a Texas Rangers game, over the air, FREE and it looks better than the HD version I get on the "cable box".
Why's it only on iOS, wtf....I need my MOEvation on Android...
$3? everything in that store is all even dollar prices....unlike the 99 cent store i shop at (LOL)
We have a station here in Dallas/Ft Worth that starts Thanksgiving day until sometime unknown on the 26th of Decemember with 24/7 Christmas Music.....(sighs)
Jiff Gaffigan would agree with you...
I remember when people didn't complain as much either...
of course it's fast on LTE, but wait until 3 million + iphone 5 users get on there, then tell me how fast it really is....
Huh, funny sounds like you've held this magical device or just have a really bad assumption that it's going to weight like 5lbs.... Most of the reviews by people who've actually held this device has said exactly this "The Wii U controller is extremely light. " Sounds like you need to go back to playing your PS360…
"After the gang tackle, Lee had seen enough and pulled Lindon from the game." I want to comment, but then again, too easy...
and also down by Vietnam....