James Cook

From what I remember reading in the original EGM mag, was Sega of Japan heard what was going in the original Playstation and freaked out, threw an extra CPU in it and that led to making the system hard to program for. The 32X was a American idea that led to the division between SOJ and SOA... SOJ was mirroring

Better question... why is there only a sidewinder missle left?


okay, i'll end it with this....

oh yeah that's similar to a PSP game i played called Mimana

that picture is older than my grandma's wooden underwear......

OMG you're right BWAHAHAHAH!

taken from a different direction of the same Anvil

Here's the one from the massive Hail storm we had in DFW area

Every generation we go through this same ole story....right after '89(the ? was asked) Mario World proves them wrong, in '95 (the ? was asked again in mags) then Final Fantasy 7, Mario 64 and Zelda 64 shows them wrong, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Gears of War...and so and so on....PC is going to be around and so are home

what kind of RPG would be closes to this game? FF1-9, Tactics or Lunar?

okay since i haven't had the opportunity to play, what does it mean? you have to start all over with nothing?

How could you diss Archer, of all great shows that been on TV this year....

Vader maybe on to something here.....

toe-may-toe, toh-mah-toe

PS3 = The Sega Saturn of "our" time.


it took them, what 11 episode to get to F'N Namek? SMH that irritated the sh!t outta me.....

TGS is still yet to come..... There's nothing to be freaking out with nintendo, (cites N64, GC, and Wii). I actually like this, it makes me think about the possibilities yet to come, and it completely pisses off the non-nintendo fans.