hey i always talk to my Sailor Neptune "action figure" when i play all my wii games :P
hey i always talk to my Sailor Neptune "action figure" when i play all my wii games :P
Did anyone notice the guy was playing with a Black Wii U Pad?
3DS Lite with dual analogs $149.99
it's got blutooth right? so why not connect a blutooth mouse to it? or can you not do that? it also has a usb port...
Chibi Chun Li for the victory!
That's why I loved Base Loaded and Baseball Simulator 1.000 for the NES or Tecmo Super Bowl for SNES. Those were games I could run up the stats on.....
MLB network said last night he nearly passed out to the high level of adrenaline in his system and basically over loaded his body (shock).
I pay $5 more and get unlimited with Virgin Mobile.....$55 now vs the $119.06/mth i had with a Sprint iPhone....
yet Sprint does it....
Paul Revere was the first ever BB song i heard on my friend's boombox, and it got me hooked all the way to the hot sauce...RIP MCA
"No sharp edges"
i see what you did there....
I'm not getting a Vita untill it's $150 and the games are $20-25(used or new)
nice kick, nasty fall....
too soon? LOL
I agree about FF7 i tried to pick it up about 30+ hrs into it and i decided just to start over after not playing it for 3-4 years....
Anyone read the Karate Kid one in Mr. Miyagi's voice?
I still won't buy one until the system is $149.99 and the game I want is $20-25. I did the same with the 3DS and loving that system right now.
but in all reality, do you need more than 8GB to go jogging? I just added up 251 songs that i have (and i have more than that) and it was 2.5 gigs... That's one hell of a run.... I barely get thru 7 radio songs on a normal run. (that's 27 mins of running).