James Cook

agreed, how is having sex.... trauma to "today" kids?

The real reason why SEGA died is because Sega of America wanted the 32x and Sega of Japan wanted the Saturn. The internal bickering between the two cost the company millions of dollars and by the time they agreed on the Dreamcast it was too late....

Here's something people might not have thought about...2nd Circle pad... or how about a 2nd Wii U controller? They will bring out an updated one, but also have a backwards compatible version so no one is left out.....

Now playing

Rick Astley is the best, might as well as Milli Vanili to the list ....

when my Pentinum 2 system crashed(20GB HDD failed)... The Sega Dreamcast was my internet...sure it was slow but i could still get my email and cheat codes!!!

I love unlimited, and this is thru 15 days of service...Evo 3D

Effin' Awesome, where can i buy one????

Evo 3D, score of 200....

Stop giving him lap dances and you wouldn't have that problem....just saying cuz.....

Playing Dragon Quest V on my DS lite that i got off of Amazon for $25.

They probably got an eff-ton of angry mario fans who killed their server spamming their website

How in the hell do you not have Kid Rock and/or Eminem, who are from Detroit play?

and why have faster speed to "Burn" through 2GB 5GB 10GB faster to reach your limit....i'll take the "slower" 4G from Sprint and my unlimited (10+ GB i use a month) for $79.....vs $129 for 900mins/unlimited txt/4 GB data....for LTE

yeah, that's some depressing BS right there....rape, no hope, violence, war time atmosphere....

I've got ya both beat, how about when it was called Babbages and they had PC games and NES and Master System games and just a few Gameboy (B/W or green/white LOL) games

The hell it did, they gave up a 2 Run Homer just shortly after...yeah yeah, the ended up blowing them out, but sometimes that's all it takes....scared the crap outta me at the time....

I'm right there with you, I've been looking for a job since May and i found one PT job that nets me 24-35 hours a month ($8/hr = $250-300/mth) With Unemployment, I'm bringing home about $1000/month. Rent is $615, Electricity is $120, Cable/Internet is $140, Cell Phone is $100, Food is $120, Gas is $110, that's $1205

it was the moon (small crescent), going behind the distant clouds...

amen to that one...i'm dealing with two projects here in DFW, dfw connector and north tarrant express, and it's just now getting started with the 2nd one...