
Here’s the thing, though.  You get about half an hour of gameplay for FORTY DOLLARS!  By no stretch of the imagination is it worth full price.

I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.

So, if I’m commenting on a Jalopnik article about lifted pickups, and I link to a news article showing lifted pickups are unsafe, Jalopnik would have to pay that news site for my directing traffic to them? WTF? In this era of fake news we’re going to have fewer links to credible and reliable sources, and more “just

Have you ever heard of survivorship bias?

One of my favorite lines was “Oh the things that I have missed: the Black Plague, the Spanish Inquisition, the Brady Bunch Reunion.” 

In fairness, Jim Starlin spoiled it 25 years earlier.

Ooo, an internet personality test!

Spot on.  I’m always like “Well *insert source here* is probably playing it up somehow” - and then video or other sources or something come forward and you realize that no, in fact, they aren’t playing it up: our president actually IS that big of a fucking moron.

When a football player takes a knee during the national anthem, all the meatheads get whipped up into a frenzy that they don’t respect the troops.

There’s also the possibility that maybe a threesome just isn’t for them. Group sex isn’t for everyone. I am usually a very monogamous person, so it took me being single with a friend with benefits who wanted to try it out to even bother. If he’d been my boyfriend, I would have outright said no (and would likely still

It’s possible that carb fermentation can cause digestive issues such as IBS in some people. There’s an elimination diet that tries to rectify this issue — the low FODMAP diet.

Welcome to Rapture, Valve.

Same here, getting the 6:45am or 7:15 flight out of SNA means zero traffic, not security line and if its a West Coast trip I am meeting someone for lunch. Hell I have done same day turn around flight to SFO a couple times by taking a 6:45 Southwest and returning on the 7:25pm flight. I get into the Financial District

Nope. I’m in the right here. If you think it’s not a jerk move obligating someone to drive you to the airport at 4 am, I don’t know what is.

If they’re only agreeing because they feel obligated - like my father when my brother has booked his flight back from Thanksgiving at 6 am - then it’s still a jerk move.

I typically fly out of Atlanta when traveling to Europe, sometimes Philadelphia or New York. I like Philly and NY better because the flights leave later, are a couple hours shorter, and the last one I took got me there around 9am instead of 7am, which meant that by the time I got out of the sardine can, got through

Some people can’t sleep on planes. I know I can’t. So I end up wasting a day at my destination.

I generally fly at 7 am. The reasons have nothing to do with delays.