My favorite part about food poisoning is symptoms can range from burping to death and onset of symptoms can start anywhere from right after your first bite to many days later.
Yet another solid reason to live in a constant state of dread. ^_^
My favorite part about food poisoning is symptoms can range from burping to death and onset of symptoms can start anywhere from right after your first bite to many days later.
Yet another solid reason to live in a constant state of dread. ^_^
Halal Guys have something like 200 locations. They’re all over the globe now!
I was pretty disappointed with the weak tie in to the RE mythology and somewhat disappointed with the game design - especially the spaces which were far too small for the number of tickets sold per game. Still had fun but simply average game design that cost about twice what it deserved to cost.
Buying the wrong mushroom is what killed a friend of mine. If you’re buying your shrooms, they might not look quite like they would in nature, making them harder to identify. Some poisonous mushrooms look very similar to non-poisonous ones.
I’ve read not just about how LSD can really rewire people’s brains in both good and bad ways, but how some mind altering substances can result in a person feeling buzzed or altered in a way off and on long after its left the system - sometimes for many years. It’s a rare thing, but it happens.
Normally I’d include a…
The only reason the Desmos app is being allowed in some testing environments is it’s embedded as part of the testing application the students take their tests in. They aren’t installing the app on their personal devices. This isn’t made clear in the article.
I’m an adult who has returned to school and graphing calculators are alive and well. At every exam, your calculator is inspected to ensure it conforms to the test’s requirements. For example, many tests require that your calculator doesn’t have an algebraic engine. Calculators with wifi capabilities are pretty much…
For some people with certain neck or back issues, the minor recline in the seats can make a big difference after 6 hours on a plane.
Exactly. It all comes down to education. Calorie counting can be a helpful part of that though - it made me quickly realize which foods were using up my calorie allotment while leaving me hungry later.
A calorie is a calorie as far as what a calorie is intended to measure. It seems people want a new indicator that doesn’t exist though - something that takes into account what those calories are delivered in that effect insulin, inflammation, satiation, etc. Something closer to the glycemic index of the food?
If the repetitive dialogue is breaking the immersion for you, you can download mods to correct it. Literally everything in this game has been modded, not just child death and nudity, but clipping, story beats, dialects, adoption, battle fatigue, collision detection, forest age, hunger, AI, calendar/time, NPC stair…
I think you’re looking for Polygon. Kotaku is part of Gawker. Polygon is part of Vox. They have very different brands as far as the types of pieces they run.
There are already mods for the second and third and a console command to fix the first.
There are mods for that too. If something feels like it’s breaking your immersion, there’s most certainly a mod for it, immortal children included.
There are multiple mods allowing you to adopt extra children. It’s Skyrim! If something feels artificially limited, you can bet there’s a mod to correct for it.
Yes but you have to kill them first. :-/
I am. And I played through that game largely in stealth mode; no interest in killing anyone if I can avoid it... even though they are just rudimentary simulations.
Weird. Usually my seasonal allergies leave me in bed for a couple weeks but this year has been a breeze so far. Maybe that will change in a week or two? ...we’re a couple hundred miles north of NYC.
I was uncomfortable with some of the glorification of violence... Holy cow how was this not rated R? Because they didn’t drop F bombs or show titties??? My god, America get your priorities straight! Also took minor issue with the physics-defying invincibility of the characters as it removed a lot of tension from the…
Favorite grilled cheese fillings? I like tomato, onion, and either pesto or a sauce like Mac Sauce, Thousand Island, or greek yoghurt with Sriracha mixed in.