It’s funny how you think we’re full of rage, yet you choose to respond with angry, sarcastic comments instead of anything with value
It’s funny how you think we’re full of rage, yet you choose to respond with angry, sarcastic comments instead of anything with value
I’m gay and I don’t see how this is a bad thing. I can admit that I look and act like a total fag, because I do. Why is it so hard to hear someone else state reality? She looks like a butch lesbian and she knows it because she curated herself to be that way. Legit, I made the choice to present in a counter-culture…
Well yeah. If you’re inconsiderate enough to block traffic while you putter along, you deserve to be tailgated and made to feel uncomfortable, because you’re a bad person.
Well, that coupe is going the same speed as the Toyota beside him. They therefore should have been in the Toyota’s lane, or at minimum, shouldn’t have been in the passing lane. I bet they learned their lesson!
Well, yeah. They’re a brand new company dealing with new vendors and new challenges without much experience making vehicles, yet they turn out the most innovative cars on the market. General Motors has been around for over a century and they can’t even make an ignition switch that doesn’t kill people. My father has a…
People don’t care that it breaks because it’s simply worth it to people. It’s like dating a supermodel - if she farts in bed, you’re probably not going to complain. And make no mistake, the Tesla is a supermodel of a car. It’s the fastest car most people have ever driven, it’s silent and clean, it’s a good looking…
I just really want to know why people get their panties in such a bunch over stuff like this. Your new car has a warranty. I repeat, YOUR NEW CAR HAS A WARRANTY. Whoooo cares (except for 5-year old used car buyers)?
“I would buy a Lexus if it was completely anonymous because I don’t like things that are new or different.”
It sounds to me like you think only people of color drive taxis, as if such a job is beneath white people. Wow.
I have an Accord and it kills my soul, so trust me when I say that it isn’t
No V6, no care.
When you think about it, it makes sense that these cars would be very fragile. They’re not designed to be driven many miles, because the owners rarely drive them, and the manufacturers know that. Couple that with the fact that these cars are filled with cutting-edge technology, and there you have it.
I know a guy who makes over $3.5m a year, and he cheaps out on EVERYTHING.
I just call that “cars."
Perhaps DSGs weigh less, are more compact, or provide less parasitic power loss. They are still faster though than automatics, I’m pretty sure.
Probably has something to do with reliability or torque limitations or something. And yes, I would probably prefer a DSG on paper, but the routine maintenance on them is very costly.
No, and I don’t claim to be an insanely capable driver either. Idk. Maybe we have particularly demanding on-ramps in Canada.
It really has nothing to do with horsepower, but more the design of the oil pan and where the pickup is. I drove MkIV Jettas for 7 years and whenever I’d take a hard corner the oil light would go on, and it does in my 2.4L Accord too. It annoys me because it really proves that production cars are incompetent. The…
I could be a 45 year-old entrepreneur for all you know lmao
Well I’ve come to realize that regular cars don’t have the oiling systems to really push on the on-ramps... I’ve nearly seized two engines that way. Anything else though is fair game. Closest I’ve ever come to a sports car is a Jetta GLI, so it’s not like I’m rolling in Benzes haha