
Off-topic: OMG Serena has just revealed her daughter’s pics and her name: Alexis Olympia, and they’re calling her Olympia! *Dies*

Why aren’t you a fan? I don’t see why you need to preface your comment by saying you don’t like her. It’s like anything positive said about a woman needs to be balanced with a negative.

I’ve had 3 C-sections, and lemme tell ya, they were the most relaxing, blissful experiences of my life! Def 10/10. I’m just sorry I’m old now and can’t have any more of those lovely, gentle C-sections. Why, sometimes I think about just taking a box cutter and slicing my abdomen open just to have one more~

Calling someone a white supremacist simply because they embolden and espouse white supremacist ideals is like calling someone a pedophile simply because they sexually molest children.

Vicki Gunvalson’s greatest hits gif thread!

This gay man would put a hard pass on Tamra as my beard. lolz

He’s hot, in shape, and pleasant-seeming—three things entirely unfamiliar to these goblins.

Not a terrible idea.

I will say, however, that I’ll miss her at peak pissed level when she’s screaming like a banshee.

I take my kids to martial arts 3x/week and EVERY TIME in my head it’s all “karate..! karate...! annnnnd kaaaarate!”

By these standards I have a luxurious pizza festival in my apartment several times per week.

“explain the rules!”


“I’m sorry, I have an erection. I think it’s the sound of the skateboard.”

Counter-counter-point: Ya burnt!

Oh good. Let’s all jump onto the bill of no passing. And no one bother sitting down with Susan Collins or Paul Ryan to hash out a deal to fix and fund Obamacare.

I rewatched 30 Rock after the election...so many Trump jokes, so much Make America Great Again.

Such a First World Problem™, but I’m devastated by this. I love the wit & absurdity of this show, & I still stream it all.

Sandwich Day (“I will cut your face up so bad you’ll have a chin... you’ll all have chins!”) and Queen of Jordan 2 (“rude!”)