
Nah, he’s Slytherin all the way. He’s got ambition baby look at his eyes.

Yeah, lots of people choose not to have a social support system or have lost touch with friends or whatever. That’s fine. It’s part of life.

It’s a frigging joke and a toothless one at that. It has nothing but an underlying attitude of being endeared by him.

Thank you for the info!

Genuine question not a challenge do you think 400 from one agency, alone, is kind of a lot, though?

Except we don’t have time to wait for the pendulum to swing.

I don’t see how it could have been Peter so soon on the heels of Rachel’s season.

We thank you for your service! I was afraid the sun would never return.

It seems plausible. But trying to isolate your mate from friend groups is some super creepy behavior. Regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman doing it.

You, sir, are a humanitarian.

The thing is white isn’t a thing! There is no cultural experience of whiteness.

This is exactly why being considered hot should be left to people who grew up attractive. They are just better equipped to deal with it.

of history’s most iconic and smoldering unconsummated romances

People who cling to “white” as a positive way to describe themselves have absolutely nothing else going for them.

Because Donald Trump has dementia and she has to check on him periodically but now that Kelly has seriously limited her official role she doesn’t have a good excuse.

I do. That’s why I said not just a grifter rather than not a grifter.

Right, she’s clearly mentally unstable and obsessed not just a grifter.

I don’t mean to comment twice but I can’t stop cackling. It’s too perfect.

I’m sorry. #NotAllWitches

‘Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve.’