Checks out.
Checks out.
They’ve been tearing the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendments to decades now. Why not the 1st?
In her defense, she was merely pointing out that despite her witch face she’s not actually green.
He wasn’t asexual. An asexual has little to no sexual desire. He had a great deal of sexual desire which he gratified by watching others and self-gratification. He had issues with intimate contact.
But then why did she want the DNA test if she knew for a fact it would end her case?
That’s pretty much perfectly said. Thank you.
Well he is rich and married to a barrister. Otherwise...
Literally everybody remembers that.
She’s always been a better impressionist than actress.
You could make almost anything be all about Mariah Carey.
Portia talks about in her memoir.
No one wants to silence her. But she only gives a shit about feminism when it benefits her.
It was never a top level sitcom. But in the first few seasons it was fun and quirky and had some interesting characters. It got old pretty fast though.
Or a d-bag mansplaining reproductive ability to a woman?
As I explained several times, I don’t find the quotes offensive. I find her use of feminism to shame her critics and promote her brand while staying mum on feminist issues that don’t directly impact her offensive.
Hill won the popular vote, which is what counts fans voting.
Why is the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General SO JEALOUS OF HER?!?!?!
I am not angry.
You said she doesn’t use feminism for her brand. I pointed to just a few of many examples where she did. Rather than acknowledge you were wrong you decided to misdirect and act like everyone on Jezebel just looovvvessss rapists.
No, I’m talking about Taylor “there’s a special place in hell for women who bring down other women” (because Tina Fey made a joke about her), “It’s unlike you to pit women against each other.” (because Nicki Minaj thought she deserved a nomination over her), “I’m doing this for all women who can’t speak out” (after…