Funny, at my company i dont wait for things to complie. I DO OTHER WORK then come back when its done. Its work, not high school.
Funny, at my company i dont wait for things to complie. I DO OTHER WORK then come back when its done. Its work, not high school.
that’s the modeling industry —hot chicks with low self esteem and the skeezy predators who exploit them. This is my favorite, not sure why it was legal.
well one of them is tall, I guess and the 2 flamers on the left are, you know, not the marrying kind in 15 states.
Coincidentally the video was altered when the site returned after DOS. What a coincidence.
I’ve seen the vid now and if the question is “is this rape” I’m not sure about all the legal definitions, but his hitting her is or should be illegal (i’m not a lawyer so I don’t want to start throwing legal terms like assault or whatever around). Anything after that is not consensual in my opinion because he used…
Nice press release, Natasha Vargas Cooper.
I’ve been a crime victim 3x, each time the police initially on the scene were nice, helpful, etc. The second wave, investigators I guess, were nasty, confrontational, harsh. I think this is some kind of methodology, it’s not random.
Inversion land. If we are innocent until proven guilty, and charges are dropped or never pursued we are...still innocent, because we have not been proven guilty.
On the other hand you are someone who finds 2 people beating each other up entertaining.
Why do you ignore accused being exonerated, not only by Columbia, but by Nypd? Also Nypd declined to prosecute, not as sulkowics reported by her choice, but because of lack of evidence? What evidence of assault exists other than her accusation?
Or maybe it’s his child and like any parent he is rather attached?
He was holding court at Match one night in the sub 90’s, making faces and shit. I made some lame faux casual “I’m so above it all” comment like “he’s a goober” and returned to my meal. Later he asked for our ketchup.
Not confusing, self serving and Fox is voting for Huckabee
“Jackie” was an expert fabricator? The entire food chain at RS was duped by a single person who could not provide basic details and urged them not to interview aanyone? As in “I didn’t kill my wife and don’t bother looking in the dumpster for the knife?”
the chances of a fertile woman getting lucky in any single instances of boomsin is 1:20, about 5%. My rule of thumb is when 2+ unlikely things happen at the same time get suspicious. The member of a family famous for having lots and lots of kids (rare) on her first intercourse ( 1 in a lifetime) gets pregnant (1:20…
I’ll bite:
1) At work: “Can one of you guys lift/carry/move etc this heavy thing”, regardless of job category. I’m a developer, get a handyman or something.
2) (after a physical outburst by a nutcase) “Why didn’t some of the guys do something?” Like what, get hit, injured or sued? Related — we’ll be ok, there’s lots of…
idiocy knows no creed. Amy classification, race, gender, religion, sex orient, when you get a bunch of them alone and pour a few Rob Roys downs their throats and they think no one is paying attention someone will say something nasty about THEM (you know who I'm talking about). I was with a gay friends and her…
I had an Hispanic coworker who made lots of comments like that and called anyone who complained "pc" or whatever So I started using the term "spic and span" to describe just about anything around him. He was unhappy about that, which brought me great pleasure.