my barbie sat in a corner and read a book quietly. Once in a while she would look over to the other barbies but would quickly turn away if they noticed her.
my barbie sat in a corner and read a book quietly. Once in a while she would look over to the other barbies but would quickly turn away if they noticed her.
he sounds pretty immaturem. I'd say his membership in the pranking. Group is good evidence he was joking, but then people who pull false alarms ate joking too, it's still stupid. Also telling that the target of his 'joke' was someone really vulnerable, not say the NSA or a man 2x his size. Immature and full of…
he is and I think he is proud of it. What an asshat.
Ryan bases her conclusions on the texts alone, not entertaining the possibility there were other interactions. This is faulty analysis.
that's a pretty exceptional example that I doubt gives us any insight. He is a cultural icon, most people assume He is Dr huxtable.
In the case of same sex marriage ban the law is drawing distinctions based on gender.
5)Whip out the super 8 camera and flood light
How about its a friggin serious crime and should be handled by police? I don't thing the same body that addresses plagiarism and food fights is equipped to deal with penal code stuff. The schools should take care of educational infractions and non criminal misbehavior, anything more is the responsibility of civilian…
I was mugged at knife point near my apartment. The detective who interviewed me was really really nasty: "Why don't you just forget about it?" What were you doing there (near my home)? "You probably will not show up so why don't you drop it now" "Were you looking for drugs?
stockholm syndrome? Please. That happens to <5% of people help at gunpoint, beaten, etc or worse. How about "I want to win all that moolah" syndrome?
These people could leave at anytime. They were not held against their will. The guy with the sick kid made a decision.
That said this show is vile. And the…
Oh, you mean the girl who found answering questions, testifying, etc all "too much work" but will carry a mattress around for few years?
That is you response? Are you a journalist or on the bus to middle school? Why are you treating Erdely like a reliable source? "It might have been in phone calls"....? Gee, maybe they planned world revolution using smoke signals, do you do research or just type off the top of your head?
Sadly those who claim "real" racism is say, when you get hanged in your front yard or your kids are called "n**er " by irate parents at the bus stop are not being ignorant, they are telling just how foul things were for them.
I like his dog Ribsy.
I call mine Freedom because it's black.
I guess I'm missing something cause this sounds just fine. She's hitting 95% of the notes, her voice is full except on some of the high stuff. I hate her style and I kind of like it.
It looks really weird with the silent dancers, it's like The Deaf Mute Dancers.
my bad
my heroes. One quibble, same fist next time, okay?
Their first amendment rights to demand citizens get punished for lawful behavior? Now there is someone who does not understand "rights".
The appropriate response from law enforcement is to enforce laws. Period. As an indidual or a member of an association like a union they can do whatever they want but as LE they can…
uh, no. She is 14 and being a little stubborn in school. That is called an "administrative" thing. Lower her grade, maybe send her to the asst principal for a little character building lecture.
He is an adult assaulting a child. Criminal offense. Jail a possibility, and unless he comes up with some really good…