I wouldnt.
I wouldnt.
No, direwolf hit the nail on the head.
I think it goes back a little further than that. Let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone, which I'm sure was a concept around before even that
How many of you have never made or laughed at a offensive joke? Ever as in the last 3 years?
It's the accidentally inhaling that is an issue, you don't want to wax your cilia.
No biggie, I just went and go a haircut.
be sure to cross your legs properly
I'm not sure about something, was there no "before" picture of the man? Is that the issue? Because the images of the woman to me say wear professional clothes that fit properly and try to look sharp in general grooming. In a corp environment it does have an impact, many years ago I was sent home because my hair…
This guys with their cute matching outfits have been thundering around the city for years with impunity. Now they went too far and yes, lots of law abiding riders will also pay the price for increased enforcement. Corrupt collective punishment? Not really, that would be if every biker got a fine or arrested,…
Re: Gaga bidding for The Gloved One's burn pix:
um, when a 14-15 year old sex with an 8 year old that is "rape", not "losing your virginity". This is very sad. I hope maybe he is making it up to seem cool, like "hey, as an 8 year old I was picking up 15 years olds".
I nibble with gibbles
With reassuring regularity like a similarly named geyser, Old Old Old lizzie faithfully gushes forth her ungraceful march towards oh fuck this. I spy with my little eye someone who doesn't realize sensibilities change, oh, I don't know , every generation or so? Put a place holder here for some millenials similar whine…
don't make fun of my big fat fingers
How is saying "I don't date black women" any different from picking all races except black in Match or OK Cupid or whatever site?
what could possibly be more scary than a rubber skeleton dropping out of nowhere?
It really seems like a publicity stunt. It dorsnt even make sense, how would being nude enhance a haunted house ? At the end of October in PA, its friggin cold too.
....with anybody else but me!!!
....with anybody else but me!!!
If she said no and the guys fucked her that is rape. Go directly to jail.