
This to me is an abuse of power, something Kelly is pretty comfortable with. This man was targeted for arrest due to his publicizing his reckless driving. To me that is a violation of equal protection, free expression etc, it is not illegal to talk about the illegal things I have done. The internet is part of the

"Nothing better to do than catch lawbreakers? You are correct. Actually, that is all they are supposed to be doing."

Assault. He should be arrested.

Little vermin better not even THINK about going swimming for at least 3o mins

It sounds to me like clipping (when the volume gets really loud so the audio automatically drops). The wind can cause that, don't really hear it gust up, just BOOM it clips.

It's very 70s again.

Some have asked what is the point of this storm chasing. While I am certain there is an element of thrill seeking most of these chasers are meteorologists and the like and they are providing vital info.

Illiterate, paranoid and stupid. Tea Party, right?

Where is Guiliani holding a candle?

I have an idea, lets flood REDDIT with thousands of pictures of saggy baggy naked old men mislabeled as JAILBAIT!!!

i see nothing other than a need for more fill. hey guys—white card.

real pros don't look at the audience.

wait — were LoverBoy and Foreigner naked? Did they, umm, jam together?

that's kinda creepy, when i read the list of common selections I thought "I'll just pick 3 of clubs next time".

Oh, here comes the hysterical rightie persecution delusion. Vilifying a person or organization for their reprehensible statements or policies is not a violation of anyones rights. Organizing a boycott is not a violation of anyone's rights (ask the Dixie Chicks!). One is not being victimized or persecuted when

why isn't he in jail? Advocating assault is kind of illegal, isn't it?

It's ok by me, just not during combat.

Wrong. It's an example of natural selection. Guys who brag about getting head tend to have tiny, hairless and floppy genitals, obviously designed to prevent reproduction. Crack a science book for crissakes.

I think the whole "make them straight" camp concept is effin hilarious. What to do with our ragingly hormonal gay teen? Send him to camp with a few hundred other ragingly hormonal gay teens.
