Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

This is $2,000 and me thinks a much better value for your money.

Years ago we had some seagulls eat about 2 lb of cheese from our pick nick basket on a beach. They were so full they couldn’t fly.

I’d like to see SWA start flying some embardier 175's (AKA mini 737's) and start serving more regional airports. That will never happen tho. I fly Alaska about 75% of the time and they are not terrible, they are better than Delta with being on time but Delta has nicer planes.

I know exactly where that rest stop is, right next to the road by Jackson. So strange to just vanish like that, it’s not exactly out in the boonies. I am hoping he is found safe and well.

I had the top button undone and was unzipping when I realized what I was doing. I have a plastic and fabric belt but the TSA mafia gets all out of shape if I don’t take it off.  

There was that one time at the Gap when they had 2 for 1 on some nice polo shirts and it was clearly miss-marked. I fucking cleaned up, got like 6 polo shirts for about $25. 

You kid but recently at a 6 AM flight I was half asleep and was starting to take my pants off before I realized that was not necessary to get through security. 

Thank you! And F-Tony George, who got greedy and ruined open wheel racing in the US.

Amigo, do I have something for you!

I don’t understand why they board 1st class first, the few times I’ve been in 1st class you just sit there and watch the poors walk by you for 15 minutes. 

Coffee doesn’t help much and I won’t drink any until I get to my destination, that being said I am much better on afternoon and evening flights than morning flights.

I get some kind of pee anxiety and it absolutely sucks. It feels like you need to pee but when you go you get five drops. Then I have irritated my bladder muscles to an extent that my cycle is messed up for the rest of the day. I can hold my bladder just fine for 3 hrs during a normal work day, on a plane I’m going

I get that on the pee side and it absolutely sucks. It feels like you need to pee but when you go you get five drops. Then you have irritated your bladder muscles to an extent that your cycle is messed up for the rest of the day.

Even at a busy airport you are going to be in the air about 45 min to 1 hr after boarding, then you have to wait 15-20 min until you can use a toilet.

Both our pizza hut and our Little Caesars closed in my town. How’s a guy supposed to get cheap pizza in this day and age.

Ontario Canada as I recall. I have the exact same car and it is still in pretty good shape considering it’s 13 years old. 

Here’s my trade!

I actually got to an airport so early one day that I couldn’t go through security because my flight wasn’t for another 6 hrs. 

I had a Datsun that was “maybe”.

I fail to see how a hamburger and tots are processed. Both are just cooked grounded up versions of themselves.