Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

Indian Taco day was the one day that EVERYBODY ate school lunch at my school on the Salish and Kootenai Reservation in Arlee Montana in the 1980's. I was totally unaware of it’s origins.

No low ballers

I had DVD until last spring, we were only watching one a month so there was little value for us. I have take to renting first run movies off of Amazon Streaming and since we only do that once or twice a month it is a better value than paying for DVD rentals through Netflix.

That’s canned chili, you pretty much shit it out as soon as you eat it.

If I’m going to eat myself fat I’m going to enjoy it.

You know what is an even better deal? Square pizza.

But it’s not stanced?

Ice ice baby.

It seems most majors are moving away from an attempt to prepare a meal and going to boxed snack packs I hope to see meals on planes going away for anything but really long flights, say >4 hrs.

They were really down in the dumps.

2009 was pretty good to me. I bought my Mazda 3 and got my first really nice mountain bike. We had some huge construction contracts from the pre recession years that went almost to 2011, then I quit my job and left California for good.

Sounds delish, and basically a fancy bread pudding?

I’m 50/50 tipping at the counter. At my local favorite pizza place I do leave a 10-15% tip at the counter. At my favorite local coffee place where my friends make me a coffee and forget to charge me half the time I do leave a tip at the counter usually $1 for a $3.50 drink.

Can confirm that the stock stereo in a 1985 Tercel is also not loud enough to hear very well outside the car while blasting NWA. I must be getting old because I like almost no newer hip hop music. Just give me some ice cube and I’m happy.

And I have no issue with this at all...

I find this perfectly acceptable.

My contributions:

Buy for $1,000 cut off top. 600 SL roadster.

This is a great way to make sure nobody comes to your house for Christmas Dinner.