Highlander-Datsuns are Forever


FAKE NEWS. The EPA did this to the hardly working people in Michigan.

Yes! MAGA!!! ’Merican steel and craftsmanship!!! Fuck yeah!!!

You have to take into account that US steel had to compete with imported steel pricing previously and the US was not producing nor had capacity to meet demand for the US market. I would say that something like 75% of the steel used on my projects was imported. Now it’s mostly domestically sourced if you can get it a

I know for a fact that ASTM spec coil and sheet steel has gone from about $600 a ton to over $1,000 a ton. This is a make or break cost for many high dollar infrastructure projects that are steel intensive.

Even putin is clapping. What is world coming to?

Good lord, my worst nightmare. I always keep a dozen pepto tablets on me when traveling for that very reason.

Subaru is good for that, amazing how they keep selling cars with actually good customer service.

1. I bought a 1991 Subaru XT-6 from a Russian truck driver who lived in an old farm house in the middle of a strawberry field. Car had a salvage title, had to jump start it to test drive. Ended up being a total piece of shit car and donated it to charity about 18 months later. Pro tip: never buy a used car from a

It’s very close to 1 cubic foot of beer: 1 cubic foot would be 62.4 lbs of beer 12.8oz X 77 cans=61.6 lbs

Ounces is a unit of weight as well: 16 oz in 1 lb etc... but it’s also a unit of volume, so yeah fucking confusing English units in general.

Got my hydration regime handled now. FU NESTLE, I’m going full into Nattylite.

When Paul was co-owners with Carl Hass of the Newman-Hass Indy car team, he brought his racing suit with him to the races, just in case there was a chance to drive the car. I got to see him as several races in the 1990's, he was still cool AF even at 70 years old.

We need people like Musk, they think out of the box and their ideas represent huge leaps in technology and social ideas. Otherwise we are going along with incremental gains at best, retro grade at worst.

Point of use treatment is a lousy solution in the long run. I would like to see him invest the millions needed to upgrade the root of the problem, the aging infrastructure in flint.

On your death bed you will never say “I wished I would have work to 7PM on Tuesday.”

Melt the snow? Uhh okay.

I did two years with the OEM all season tires on my Outback. I actually left it home a couple of times because my 2wd mazda with no TCS has snow tires and I didn’t trust the outback to stop coming down the gnarly road from the ski area.

How many journalists have driven this car before you and what kind of presents do they leave behind?

This is a Saab 96 with a blown drag car motor, I don’t think he is running this year. He is more in to motorcycles now than the SAAB.