Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

Bring back lead and MTBE!!!! Make America stupider and increase cancer rates!

This app is mostly for the west but is getting better in the east. Everything you can bike, both online and in an app.

You never go further south than 12 ave. She’s risking her life.

Well done steak is terrible. Order chicken if you are going to get a well done steak.

Get what you want for a burger, but so help me god if anyone orders a steak very well done I loose my shit. Why bother?

Nor is she step dancing.

She’s wearing green, clearly she is Irish and an illegal import.

IIRC carmax also prices their cars based on what they paid for them plus some percentage of profit. I was able to buy a used mazda 3 from them in 2009 for less than market value because it was probably a low ball purchase on their part.

It would burn up the streets!

Now there is a combo I can get behind.

I would give them the good old GTFAC.

Yes but cost will increase by about 50%.

Raise your hands if you are Sure! (please?)

Does it vape?

This happens more than you would expect. Maybe all you can eat pizza is too good to be true?

I just dump about 2 tbs of water into the pan after i have added the eggs and cover. It makes them sunny side up in about 2-3 minutes of “steaming” without getting the slimy egg white things you get from using too much water.

20 to 30 miatas.


I agree with your dad assuming he has strong hands. I usually do one turn by hand after gasket contact. Never had a problem getting them off or leaking.