Highlander-Datsuns are Forever

I know right? What if I have a question about the merits of various dicks and their features?

If you get really board driving in the snow, just order a bunch of dicks. Adam and Eve have a sale on right now!

Truly out of this world.

Well if the “liberal” media wasn’t there to report it, it never would have happened.

I made something like this with Garage Band a few years ago, an instant classic.

Just shut your pie hole. Dbl-dbl animal style is the best fast food burger there is. <—Period

Probably forgot his iPhone charging cable.

This thing looks great but they already have my dream car in production:

I saw this at our local honda dealer. Seriously a G35/37 would take care of my fun needs and since I’m over 40 would seem like the mature choice.

This lovely lady is still stuck in 1990.

I was wheeling in a suburban with running boards and it was great but when I got to a spot with a steep breakover angle I parked it and walked. I don’t want to show up to work on monday without running boards on the work truck.

Okay I’m a little off but you missed the critical part: there are 42 gallons in one barrel of oil. So 250,000gallons/(1,500,000 barrels*42 gal/barrel)=0.0039 or 0.39%.

I’m pretty sure they do meter accuracy checks but if you are pumping 1.5 Million barrels a day, 250,000 gallons is 0.3% of a daily total. You will never see that level of accuracy on a flow meter.

Thank you, I guess they don’t look at the photos before posting the articles anymore.

I can’t understand a fucking word. Need subtitles.

Hey whatever happened to that Toyota hanging out of the parking garage? That was by far one of the funnest live broadcasts I’ve seen in a while.

You can calculate to a very high degree of accuracy the effect of X lbs of any type of explosive and it’s resultant shock wave speed and magnitude through various mediums like water, rock, and soil at varying distances. I would assume that they did this because sinking a billion dollar ship or damaging it beyond

Just like Billy Idol said: With a Wookie call she cried more, more, more, more...