Except their website was conveniently not processing orders.... so not really. Asked in-store and was told that deal is for online orders only.
Except their website was conveniently not processing orders.... so not really. Asked in-store and was told that deal is for online orders only.
I drove this section of 32 West everyday for 3 years straight and there is always a traffic jam here. I would have been on the phone with 911 once they started going on the shoulders. The black Rogue is the agressor. He didn’t like that he got cut off. The white Explorer is just trying to escape the situation. I think…
Futhermore, this entire article is written in jest.... yet you have read it as literal. Perhaps I suggest you read more.
Nelo, you can’t “lock your profile”. You apparently don’t have a Switch.
Mark, I’m right there with you, except mine is 3 and he started from the beginning when I was about 25% of the way through the game. He is actually pretty proficient at the game now and understands not to waste daddy’s shock/fire/ice/bomb arrows. We have since beat Ganon and I let him have free realm of the game. We…
My parents are one of these 3 million people who purchased the Ford Tempo. Despite their terrible experience with it, they continued pledging brand loyalty to Ford through the remainder of the 90's. I was 6 at the time and I will never forget. We began our summer vacation as we do every year from Laurel, MD (the exact…
I wouldn’t recommend putting your trust in a place that can’t get the correct “YOUR” printed on their window.
I also took the basic Newtonian Mechanics Physics (and got a 5 on the AP exam 15 years ago). They teach coefficient of friction (mew) to be 0.0-1.0 because all the problems that you have to solve are making assumptions that the surfaces are perfectly flat and NOT interleaving at all on any level (physical, molecular,…
Good Driver - Drives defensively and leaves themselves an out.
Average Driver - Drives ‘dumb’ and leaves no out. Doesn’t cause accidents, but can’t avoid them.
Bad Driver - Causes accidents