James Atherton

Lavar is not a stupid man.  He knows that he’s only got so much window left to get his face on TV and his name on the internet.  He knows that Lonzo will be out of the league in a few years and the other two kids don’t even stand a chance of making it.  It’s now or Europe for him.

I love basketball and I hate to see the season come to an end, but thank God we can now all go back to not knowing who Drake is.

I live in a town of 100,000 and every year, in the local paper’s annual “Best of... “ edition, Domino’s places somewhere in the top 3. And unfortunately, the voters aren’t wrong.

Goddamn Canadians and their over-the-top celebrations! Why couldn’t they have shown their opponent some respect and dialed it back a little? I can understand the first 5 or 6 “fuck”s, but any “fuck”s after that were just disgraceful and totally classless behavior.

Oh, Canada.

And my guess is Mitch doesn’t give one shit about the imagined pain and suffering that he put all of us through thinking about his injury.

I’ll have to admit to doing this sometimes when someone tries to pass me on the right. I’ll be in the left lane doing 5-10 mph over the speed limit, some guy comes up behind me and decides I’m not going fast enough so he needs to pass me on the right, then I’ll be like, “Screw you, buddy!” and speed up. It’s

So you started your beer in the 5th inning and you left after the 7th inning?

And if I had a nickel for every time Chipotle poisoned someone...

Big time props to the mop guy. He was out there mopping sweat off the floor while Abueva was still writhing around making a bigger mess.

Normally, this would be considered a true feel-good story. Young up-and-coming player... shares a name with a famous movie star... hits his first big league home run to win a game... in front of the hometown fans... but... fuck the Dodgers.

Umm... easy solution. Don't hit the ball so high. 

I really, really, REALLY cannot stand Draymond Green, but I would be there in a heartbeat to be a character witness for him at his trial if/when he decides to deck Drake.

The players get it - there’s really no need for them to feel nervous around us. Even though we’re owners, we’re essentially just like them. We’re just average, humble people with families and lives aside from being NFL owners.

Gacy, David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, and Wayne Williams.

“Taking a Jeter”.

Donkey Kong should be higher, and Popeye (a vastly underrated game) should be on the list.

Nah, that’s obviously Brett Favre.

The “Boston Slam”.

One of my favorite moments was listening to the radio broadcast the other night and hearing Cedric Maxwell say that “top-to-bottom” the Celtics were the more talented team. Delusional homerism at its finest.