Although Missandei is much, much hotter, I was actually more upset by Rhaegal’s death. Damn CGI lizards anyway.
Although Missandei is much, much hotter, I was actually more upset by Rhaegal’s death. Damn CGI lizards anyway.
WARNING: Spoilers ahead!
He seemed to do a good job with the handshakes.
I’ve got tickets near the Giants dugout for 2 of the 3 Yankees/Giants games this weekend. I’m totally breaking out the “lobster” insult to every Yankee that gets to 3rd base. Probably even the 3rd base coach.
Compared to those two, Mike Mayock looks like he’s been seeing Christophe.
Wow. A lot of hate in the comments section on this one. I guess I’m in the minority for:
I guess now we can officially stick AAFork in them.
That #42 dude is pretty good.
My dog likes to lay on his dog bed and watch Nascar with me. In my mind, he’s imagining me behind the wheel and him with his head out the passenger window at 200 MPH. In reality, he’s probably just thinking about licking himself.
I’ve lived in CA for 15 yrs now and I still miss White Castle. There’s one by the airport that I fly in to, so every time I go back, I stop there first thing, regardless of whatever dinner/meal plans I may have that night.
It’s only funny because it’s true! Dogs are notoriously bad spellers!
Brandon Freakin’ Clarke.
It made me click on the article to find out how he died. I suspected suicide, but didn’t know. Then, when I found out it was suicide, it made me kind of sad because I’ve never heard of this guy or these incidents, and I’m sure there are hundreds of millions of people like me in that regard, yet this situation was so…
Obviously, Pistons fans.
I’ve seen her a few times at A’s games and have found her attractive. I really need to cut down on my beer consumption.
If you’ve ever spent one minute looking at the floor of a public restroom anywhere near the toilet or the urinal, that’s more than enough reason to consider removing your shoes in your garage before you even get near your carpeted floors, let alone smearing that filth all over the insides of your pant legs.
Not 100% confident in my Twitter skills (or even internet skills, for that matter), but when I click on her name, it comes up with an error message. Does that mean she deleted her account? Add that to his resume.
The opposing team from Seattle was lead by Steve Birklid, formerly of the Blue Man Group.
Not sure about the other syllables, but I would never pass up an opportunity to go full Homer Simpson on that last one.
I have a similar (though not as lengthy) story. Back in the days of All-Star Wrestling, but before everything took off on a national level, we would get the occasional wrestling matches at my high school. I remember one my senior year where all of the greats were there - the Crusher, the Body and Adrian Adonis (the…