James Atherton

What he’s really good at is literally “getting lost” on the field, making it nearly impossible for the defenders to find him, let alone tackle him. A great example of this is that first clip from the Houston game above - notice as he runs through that big “G” on the field - it’s like, “Where’d he go?!!” He’s

Lighten up, Francis.

Technically, wouldn’t that be the answer, and the contestant would have to come up with the question? Or is the answer the question and therefore the question is the answer?

I know you’re all joking, but if I remember correctly, they were undefeated before the season began.

Who would you rather root for - a team like the Lions, who’ve never been to a Super Bowl, or a team like the vikings, who have been to four, but have never won? The Tennyson argument would favor the vikings, but I almost think I’d prefer the Lions in this one.

Even more so, it’s the A’s. I believe they still hold the all-time record for the smallest crowd ever to attend a MLB game. Something like 250. Think about that. Some stadiums probably employ more concessions workers than that.

Every time I meet a “lifelong” Seahawks fan, I always ask them, “Who was your favorite team before 2012?” It’s amazing how many times they’ll actually reply with the name of another team, never once sensing the irony.

I honestly don’t understand all of the love for them. Growing up in northern Wisconsin, I guess I too was kind of enamored with them, having only ever seen them on TV or in the movies... I never actually saw one until I moved out to the West Coast. One of my first up-close experiences was seeing two of them fighting

I’m calling b.s. on this being a “very new technology”. I was at a Packers/Browns game in 2009 and we saw Nick Barnett go into one of these tents. We assumed he was pooping. I even took a picture:

Because... she’s a woman in a man’s world? And, in a post-11/8 America, that part is already a given?

I follow the Packers pretty closely and have more knowledge of the team than even a lot of avid fans do, but there were guys getting hurt last night that I had never even heard of. McCarthy sucks at a lot of things, but at the end of the day, he can only get out of his players what they are capable of giving him. No

I was thinking the same thing. This might even be a situation similar to when Joe Theismann broke his leg - that was hard to watch, but for a completely different reason. ABC received heat for showing the replay a couple of times from different angles. Now, you don’t even see one replay if it’s a bad injury. After

People who “didn’t even know the election was yesterday” are part of the reason that Trump got elected.

If I were still in college, I’d be like, “What an embarrassing mess of a freak show she is!” and my friends and I would just laugh whenever we saw her around campus.

The depression works both ways.

The O-Line isn’t the problem. Rodgers has barely been touched the last two games, while Lacy is coming off some solid games, even with not having finished the last two due to injuries (and sounds like he won’t play Thursday).

Played the video 12 times... wasn’t able see anything wrong with it. In about 15-20 minutes, I should be able to start playing it again, but I’m sure I still won’t see a problem.

I don’t know him either, but I actually did meet him one time. Not the warmest or most personable guy to “common” fans, but not an asshole, either. I’ve definitely met worse.

When I was 17 I worked PT at a Target-type retail store. I was working one Sunday morning before the store opened and the opening manager paged me as “Mr. —-”. I thought it was pretty cool, but should have realized that something was up. He told me that someone had had an accident in the Women’s public restroom and

He’s actually already in football Siberia. Minnesota has proven time and time again that they have no chance of winning, even when it appears they have a marginal chance of winning.