James Dodd

This of course is, to put it charitably, incredibly unlikely given the large amount of research that’s been done on the pill and how long it’s been available.

If there’s one thing we know Kevin Spacey likes it’s balls.

There are a lot of really terrible reasons a rape victim may continue to have a relationship with their attacker. My wife runs a student counselling department at a university and I’ve heard some things that are really sad. A lot of rapes that happen on campus are perpetrated by people in the victims friend group and

Nor affirming something about a person is not the same thing as hating them. This form of gaslighting that is constantly used by ideologues on the left is just plain dumb and just as bad as tactics ideologues on the right employ. 

We shouldn’t even have actors anymore. Roles should only be filled by people who 100% match every aspect of the character. It’s disgusting that they didn’t give this role to a real gay 600lbs man with an estranged family.

Republicans should support this bill given the fact that in theory it would support their pro-life stance by making it easier for low wage workers to continue working while pregnant. The fact that he’s holding up a bill that is at least tangentially pro-life over an imagined connection to abortions is farcical. 

I personally think that a business should be able to refuse anyone service for pretty much any reason so long as it doesn’t cause undue harm. I’m assuming this isn’t the only restaurant in Richmond so they can easily eat somewhere else, therefor no harm done. Some with the web designer. Refusing to provide service

Did you even read my comment? I didn’t deny there was a disparity. I said that there should’ve been something in the article to support the statement, otherwise the only purpose it serves is race baiting, which is something Kylie does all the time.

Why bring up the point that she’s black and her husband was white in the tag line?

That’s a shame. There are legitimate concerns over medical interventions for minors despite the gas lighting of advocates, but gender affirmation therapy on it’s own isn’t really a medical intervention.

It makes sense for the moderation teams to be disproportionally let go after an acquisition of a tech firm. The staff that go are typically management, admin, and non-technical staff, especially when the new management plans on revamping the tech the platform is running on. He’s cutting costs in other areas to focus

Most biological medical waste is incinerated so technically it’s cremated anyways. Different word, but same end result. So this law is what a conservative would call virtue signaling.

Nope. People are complaining that the school isn’t doing more, which isn’t a valid complaint based on the circumstances. This is something for the police to deal with. There are many valid complaints that can be made about how the police deal with these issues, but blaming the school is ridiculous. 

The complaints about how schools deal with sexual assault claims don’t really take into account the schools legal responsibilities or limitations. A school can’t arbitrarily punish a student who is accused of something they can’t prove. So when a sexual assault complaint is made they can’t do much if there is no

Does it really matter for the vast majority of medical professionals? Medical doctors generally aren’t scientists. They are people who are taught to troubleshoot general medical issues in a similar was as an electrician is taught to troubleshoot general issues with circuits.

The title of this should probably be changed to 15 Gifts for People you don’t actually like that much.

You can’t really hold Kanye to normal standards. Dude’s a gay fish. 

Holy shit Kylie, just get yourself a life size Pete Davidson doll and call it a day already. 

Not to excuse Shoe’s general grifting, but if the images are real does it matter that she’s the one who noticed?

The joke is pretty dumb, it’s just a rehash of “haha, men are terrible” with the added weirdness of sexualizing a tampon. The follow up joke in answer to how long they had been sitting on it was good though.