James Dodd

I’m not sure what this has to do with heterosexuality. This seems more like narcissists being narcissists. Implying that this is proof of some kind of overarching toxicity that exists as a unique part of heterosexual relationships is just dumb. 

I’m not sure why anyone would make a video like this, the pranks don’t seem funny in any way and it’s not exactly what I would consider a healthy thing to do in your relationship. It’s certainly not a nice thing to do to your partner. 

The difference between Jordan Peterson and all these guys is that Jordan Peterson still has a real job at a real university. I’m not sure he’s willing to give that up to be part of some half assed grift. 

Conservatism is part of an ideological spectrum, saying it’s a white supremacist death cult is complete nonsense. There may be extreme forms of conservatism that match that description but the vast majority of “conservatives” don’t match that at all.

But you’re not allowed to have nuanced opinions anymore. You absolutely must agree 100% with the loudest voices of the group on every single issue or you are a heretic who must be shouted down.

It’s not a stunted view to think that things should have specific qualities in order to be able to categorize them as that thing. Saying that the only quality for something to qualify as art is that it is someone expressing something in essence makes everything art, which is a ridiculous view of categorizing art. If

Drawing a comparison to something well known that is similar to simplify explaining the shows content and presentation style is a good way of telling people what it’s like.

So I’m other words, yes, you think a two year old finger painting is an artist. You can argue that, but I disagree. I do agree that experiencing art is part of the human experience, but clearly creating art is not. If that were the case everyone would have some form of artistic endeavour and that is not the case. Your

It has nothing to do with capitalization of art or with training. It has to do with intention, skill, contribution to the larger art form and piece, among other things. It doesn’t even have to do with calling it a profession. But to say that anyone who does “art,” essentially boiling it down to someone doing a

By that logic putting a bandaid on someone makes you a doctor and making a bowl of cereal makes you a chef.

No kidding. Really my comment was more about her rabid fan base than it was about her and it’s pretty clear that goes right over their heads.

Comparing her to a Billie Holiday is pretty ridiculous given the fact that she actually did contribute the vocal melodies to her songs.

I was just pointing you to an easy source. It’s well known that she doesn’t actually write anything. It’s been widely publicized for years in multiple places. It’s very easy to look up if you actually want to find out.

You could argue that. That the articulation of the playing has artistry. And there’s some merit to that, but in her case most of that is lost in production.

I know enough about vocal training. It’s not my thing really, but I am a studio engineer, so I know a bit. I can’t claim to be an expert but I can say I know that her vocals are heavily processed, even the love ones.

Just look at her Wikipedia page. There’s a whole section dedicated to controversy about her claiming writing credits.

The act of singing isn’t art. Voice is just an instrument. That’s like calling a trumpet an artist. Writing the vocal melody is the art form and she doesn’t do that. 

I don’t get the appeal. She’s probably the most overrated artist that’s over existed. She doesn’t write any of her songs and never has. And she has to ego to claim writing credits despite no real contributions to any of her songs. Calling her an artist is overly generous. She’s an okay singer I guess.

A steady diet of talk radio followed up by Fox News. Conservative media have been playing with fire by priming their viewers to accept this kind of nonsense.

Where they went wrong on this legislation (from their intended result at least, since the whole thing is wrong) was specifically attacking insurance companies. This on it’s own will make the bill unworkable. The insurance companies will see to that.