James Dodd

It’s one thing to remove the books from the school library. It’s not justified, but it’s also not really causing any real world harm.

That assessment is complete nonsense. saying cancel culture is a scam or doesn’t exist is really only true is you deliberately narrow the scope of it to rich and powerful people who can bounce back easily from losing a contract or to one side of the political spectrum. And narrowing the focus of the terminology to

You are flat out wrong. The article is talking about the sexual assaults reported in general in the Lyft report. 1800, of which, the report says 38% were committed by drivers, 10% by police, the reminder by passengers. That’s what the report that they are reporting on said. They are quoting the total figure including

I can’t post a link to the absence of data for the US market. And it appears that other news outlets have provided more in depth analysis, including breaking down the fact that the majority of assaults reported were actually from passengers assaulting someone and 10% were from police assaulting someone, which kind of

Actually, I dug around to see what I could find cause I was curious and there is no available data to compare it to in North America. There is data available for comparison in the UK and it’s actually worse in cabs based on that data.

Not to excuse terrible things happening to people, but shouldn’t this article have some context to it, like how many assaults happen in traditional cabs? I would hazard a guess that they would be statistically equivalent. This article seems to be singling out ride sharing as a way of implying that it is a hot bed for

Comedy is subjective what’s funny to one person won’t be funny to everyone. I think Chappelle’s status speaks to the fact that he is indeed funny. He’s probably the comedian that most other comedians call the greatest of all time. That being said, the special wasn’t his best work, but there were still funny parts.

Cancel culture does exist in a sense. Saying it doesn’t is just nonsense. When people openly call for someone to be fired because of something they said on social media than it has to exist since that does happen. The problem is that apparently nuance is lost on many people now so they don’t get that it does exist,

Not sure why you think common sense is stupid, but I suppose that says more about you than it does about me.

I don’t misunderstand anything. It doesn’t change the fact that your comment was completely irrelevant to what I said. You are interjecting to make a comment unrelated to what I said, which is a useless way to have a conversation 

Yeah. I quoted the definition in my reply “abusive or violent”, Chappelle’s comments were neither of those things. They were definitely offensive and unkind, but they don’t meet the bar of hate speech, not even close.

What Chappelle said, while rude, doesn’t meet the bar of hate speech. It was neither violent or abusive. I think it’s time people stop pretending that offensive speech equals hate speech, cause that’s a ridiculous place to set that bar.

Not sure what your point has to do with anything that I said, cause it’s completely not relevant to my comment.

The key thing left out of this article is any mention of why it’s possible for this to be fancy and green but still affordable. It’s cause it’s heavily publicly subsidized through special First Nation funding and is being funded by a First Nation tribe that has received tons of resource royalty dollars for things that

Do you seriously not understand the difference between voluntary and involuntary disclosure?

And there you go proving my point that the articles don’t support your argument. The articles don’t discuss media representation in relation to trans oppression or harm to trans people except in one article in one very narrow scope, that isn’t applicable to this situation. It’s nice of you to outright admit that.

I don’t think that anyone should be called a transphobic bigot for refusing to date a trans person. By that extension you could call a gay person a bigot for refusing to date a person of the opposite sex. Preference in personal choice is not bigotry and it is nonsense to call it that.

You seem to have reading comprehension issues of you think I was ever making an actual point about censorship and you get pretty nasty when you realize you’re losing an argument.

Where exactly did I say I wanted anyone’s speech limited? Please point it out cause I’m positive it doesn’t exist.

Yes obviously it’s possible to be pro trans and disagree with with what some trans people say about one issue. The fact that you would suggest otherwise is honestly laughable. The idea that issues exist in a vacuum just proves you to be a zealot and nothing more. All issues have nuance, including issues of social