
consumers have the right to purchase a reservation and demand to keep it.

Fuck your employees. Rent them a car for their five-hour drive

You’d probably have to pay for the damage to the batons used during your beatdown.

Bumped his face? Where? The security guards’ fists?

It makes you wonder what protection you’d have legally if you’d jumped in to help this guy being assaulted by non-cops. I’m guessing none.

They run on a separate backbone fueled purely by hatred and frustration, so they’re stronger than ever!

I picked up a phone to follow up on something today. Feels dirty.

Pretty sure Trump will just blame it on Obama tonight when speaking to a joint session of Congress.

If the guy didn’t make it so damn easy, no one would bother. If you are a fan of him, I ask only for you to explain why. Seriously, convince me, because I cannot for the life of me find one likable trait. I’ve considered him a giant douche for at least 30yrs. I’m no “snowflake”. I play with guns. I have a truck that

You should call the cops, report your hurt fee-fees and wait for them to come give you a hug.

oh look, a completely worn out comment complaining about gizmodo editorial. water must be wet.

I know. Reporting on the guy destroying the government to buy more toys for his bathtub is such a hit job.

Its about the form factor. Having a 6GB 970m, an i7 6700 and 16GB of DDR4 inside of a chassis less then 3/4 of an inch thick, that weighs less than 4.3 pounds is significant.

If you can justify the purchase of a Macbook pro 15, you can absolutely justify the purchase of a Razer Blade, they occupy the same high end

There is a hardware solution:

Better than making a penis Panini with all that heat on your lap!

“My perverted old man-heart skips a beat.” What you’re saying here is that you are creepy, not the VR.