James Blond

I came here expecting the Apple rage demon to be unleashed; but... nothing. Congrats'!

sampling rate? we are talking about vinyl here, if its done the old fashioned way (direct-to-vinyl or with analogue tapes) there is no sampling involved. Whereas CD's are made from sampled masters. So, technically, vinyl is superior to CD in terms of fidelity (on first spin at least). Now whether you/any human is able

I'm willing to take you on that. With an half decent set-up (needle/cart, turntable, preamp and headphones) its fairly easy to tell which one is CD and which one is vinyl. Provided the vinyl wasn't just pressed from the CD master, in which case you are right.. your vinyl's quality is just a dumbed down cd.

well you're not an "average listener" then (if that means anything..). Because telling a WAV/FLAC from 126kbps, c'mon! I found my limit was around 256kbps (meaning I encode everything in v0) with mid-range equipement..

These are actually not new questions, at all. Read about film theorists and Bazin's thoughts on editing..

I'm not going to endorse piracy, but most of the music I download illegally was made by artists which are now 6 feet underground; and I don't care about IP of dead people. Your dad/grand-dad/husband was a great musician? Cool. You want to make money out of what HE made? Fuck you.

well, thanks for making out music so loud and tasteless I guess..

I'd download the entire google image results for "shit" and "vomit" until my drive would be full, and then I'd encrypt that shit with every freeware available on the internet before handing it to them..

they hired a developer.

@toldenburger: thanks for the info. greatly appreciated.

@MazdaMania: wait, black peoples, hispanics and asians can't be rednecks too?

@Adam Spano: Having a gun or two doesn't necessarily make you a redneck.. but this guy has enough firepower to overthrow a south american government!

wait, somebody care to explain?

I have a question there; what happens the day Sony removes Android support for "security reasons" via a firmware update? You get an awful looking controller to use with your playstation(tm)?

I actually never watched it at all.. I preferred staring at my wash machine for two hours; which is kinda the same: its in 3d and has no plot.. but hey its free!

Tapping pipes? Really?

@jayrock423: so, please, enlighten me. Isn't rap the act of "speaking in a certain tempo over music"? What you seem to be refering to is slam, (intelligent) accapella "rap", that is.

@jayrock423: Yeah, because the people playing "the rap game" obviously don't rap over hip-hop music.. clearly..