

Diggle, make sure it’s this:

Last year’s Prime day sucked balls. Amazon better step up the game this year. I don’t need more USB cables! Give us the good shit.

The Brexit is redefining the pound quite nicely lately. Ordered several bottles of high end whisky and got about 10% off compared to last week.

Its that damn metric system... should have stuck with the ever reliable pounds and ounces.

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

What they don’t show is seconds later when Snyder yelled at her for showing emotions that wasn’t bloodlust.

Well, she is definitely the best thing about the DC Murderverse so far...

Crazy video. Also stop using “literally.” You sound like a teenybopper.

They’re of a similar design, but are 5 staged, where the shuttle was 4 staged. They’re also lighter and provide 25% more impulse.

Aren’t these basically identical to the shuttle boosters? Wasn’t that the point of the SLS?


during the hearing no reasons were given for why the cars were impounded, and no reason was given for why they were now released.

Windows 10 would have a much higher adoption rate if everyone got $10,000 for upgrading!

Everyone knows you need a Gundam to solve anything.

Why does it feel like this movie comes out every other year with a different name and lead actress?

I want to Make Jakuu Great Again!

Put it on Jakku. That planet needs some kind of economic stimulus package.

Liberals: we’re open minded, as long as you agree with me.

Fantomworks is pretty good IMO, doesn’t fall as far into the trap you describe. But yeah, other than that, it is slim pickings on Discovery/Velocity/History.