
Or you live in the South east where they are pretty much worthless and dry rot since it snows like once every 2-5 years..

The ones built in to every Ford product since before 2012

The ones built in to every Ford product since before 2012

Kinda forgot the Massive sea lift and the Lend lease program keepping England going on their own, but you know its ok...Same for Russia.

This is what happens when Storm Troopers on the Star Killer say “Matt Sucks” out loud.

Have you never watched Rebles before? Its based off McQuarrie’s orgianl Art for Epi 4

Was some what excited thinking it was going to be manned, only to see its an Probe.. been there done that by many countries.

Never mind did not see the second page.. My bad

Not seeing much in the way of Aircraft for the 160th in this Infographic. Only Grey Eagles. No Pave series

The TIE/FO is just as fast as the TIE interceptors, yet has Shielding. Then there is the 2 seat TIE/FO special ops with a gunner , heavier weapons, long range comms, improved sensors, breathable air inside..

Pretty awesome article. Thanks for takeing the time to complie it.

Cause they could...

Sonic automotive and Penske are both damned huge as well

Dont add dairy to the eggs.. add some water, they cook more evenly and are less prone to sticking to the pan.

Shelby gt350 or Raptor

Tyler how are thes any better than the LAv-25/ Mowag Piranha Family that the US Marines already have? I thought the Canadians and the US Army were runing a 4th gen (LAV and Striker) double “V” hulled variants to protech aginst IED’s. Not Ive not seen any thing on how these are any better then the LAV 25a2’s. Better

Cost and Cost of maintenance.

Its in the Special edition of Episode 4, Drops off the sand troopers and Dewbacks on Tatooine

Also they were cheaper during the Prime day sales this summer.

Also they were cheaper during the Prime day sales this summer.

Ah the Russian have been on huge sub building spree and have not really been following the guidelines on Sovern nations water boarders ( see Sweden, Finland , and the Sub base in Scotland)

747-200/vc-25’s are pretty obius when they fly around, much less land at a large airport with tons of people in very populated cities around the world. Its not as easy as putting one in a hangar to hide it while another parked out on the tarmac for all the cameras.