
Actully take it off road, like not in a Mall parking lot.

Responce to headline: No, no you really don’t...

Intel already got sued.. settled out of court..

Things I Don’t Like As Much So Far:

This list is a total fail..

I know there was talk about the Navy allowing women in BUD/S but not full on Seal Teams, like the females that passed Ranger school but not in the 75th Ranger Battalion .

I had no issies with my 04 R32 with the exception of that stupid break position sensors. My Dad’s 04 R32 had a engine temp sensor go bad and he still has it as a daily driver with 75,000 miles.

Wow I cant tell the differance other them the Infotanment center and the head and tail lights ... Yawn..

On the new Blaster whe you think is a flip down buttstock, is rather a hand guard/ flip down forgrip. All the blasters either have no butt stock or the M-16/M-4 colapseable style ones

Just so you know.. a BMW M4 is not a sedan. M3 yes

Sorry you have not worked on a 2011-14 5.0l V8 F150.

Had a 2 door Mk4 R32, and sorely whish I had it in 4 doors to be able to keep it when I started a family..

Wife just ordered a Linimed 300a pack with the 4 banger and BLIS cause you know the bad blind spots. The big thing we were looking for were the buckseats in the middle row which apperently no dealers in the Southeast stock (same goes for AWD)

Fun fact Carmax offered me $5k over what my mk4 VW R32 was worth. I was a dumb butt and sold it, to get a down payment on a house...

Do I even need to go in to the Sun roof problems the the E61 has? Avoid like the pleague.