I’ve heard, “it’s a cancer to the _____” before. Ia it possible to objectively evaluate whether that’s more controversial than AIDS?
I’ve heard, “it’s a cancer to the _____” before. Ia it possible to objectively evaluate whether that’s more controversial than AIDS?
Stars and Stones?
Time value of money, etc. Five months ago is a decade in video game years. Paid for a game, game was broken, guess what, no replacement and no refund offered for customers from places like Amazon. Some were just forced to watch their money depreciate instead of receive the value of entertainment they paid for.
Shhhhh let’s try not to jinx it into a Halo: MCC launch... *shudder*
It’s more dramatic, grounded even, but superb. Aqualad (voice by the same fellow who voiced TT’s Cyborg) takes the leadership position, though, and by Season 2, we see multiple iterations of sidekick identities being realized. It deserved more screen time.
But Dealhacker sends me so many wonderful things each day!
I agree with this. Destiny is an extremely vertical game compared to most shooters I know (although the multiplayer levels it out because of the built-in accuracy drop while airborne - an effective balance). In a year, we have learned to master far more complex jumping routines than the VoG puzzle, and KF challenged…
I had an identical experience in that daily. Joined, died by super, respawned, got rocketed, Mercy Rule, thanks for the marks! Then I left the playlist before the postgame and found that I’d also been awarded a Legendary Engram. My teammates must’ve been pissed.
It’s totally fine to have brand loyalty if it’s just skin deep. You prefer Android? Cool, but you don’t have to diss Apple. All your friends are on Xbox Live? Cool, but PS4 isn’t a bad console. Destiny is a good example of this. It would be totally reasonable for the community to be divided across console lines when…
You can do them in whichever order you like, and the flavor text for each step helps define the individual storylines. In fact, several of the tangential storylines of the first game, like the battle for the Sword of Crota and the execution of the Kell of Fallen House Winter, now exist at the early stages of The Dark…
Yeah, if you want to get specific. Bungie said that he is something “more” than Hive now, though. The Darkness has consumed him even more. From the footage we’ve seen so far, I’d even say that his evolution was a direct result of killing Crota. He gained the power to “take,” I think, from the last remnant of Crota’s…
Errr. The Taken King isn’t about a king being taken... it’s about the king of a race called “The Taken.” It’s an easy mistake to make, but I’m just hoping you were making it on purpose.
I almost commented, “So, those AREN’T Zoids?” Then I saw it too.
Jump! On Demand sounds intriguing. I mean, upgrading 3 times per year? If you walk away, you walk with nothing, but if you stay on indefinitely, you never eat the cost of losing your phone. And it’s divided up into payments the same way as the other lease plans, AND those lease plans have, for the most part, pretty…
Will the bundles contain this device as well? My best guitars right now, current condition-wise, are my wireless 360 ones, and I’d like to have them as extras for multiplayer when I get the bundle.
You know, I think it would make a great piece for Shreier, who loves to report on scandals like this, to establish a spectrum for corporate greed in the video game industry and rank 5-10 publishers on perceived greedy behavior based on, say, the last 5 years?
Mike’s dialogue options are Suave, Professional, and Aggressive, based on Bond, Bourne and Bauer, respectively. The other option that comes up is Rookie, if you play on the Rookie difficulty, of course. You can be consistent in your character’d attitude and get an ending suited to that archetype, or you could…
Woah. You’re talking to my guy all wrong here. It was a valid question, if one is accustomed to the words “lease agreement” in the areas I’m used to, where the terms and agreements are that you make every payment for the whole duration if the lease or else get slapped with a penalty to your credit, then it starts to…
I can attest to the “property” dynamic. I played in a Halo: Reach clan, and my girlfriend at the time fell in love with the game’s story and decided to join us in multiplayer. Even though these guys were people I had come to respect, the difference in their behavior was palpable around here, being “extra nice” to her…
“Whacked off”