
And adds to the otherworldly quality! Wandering through a Vienna flooded with both water and Italians...


Danny Devito is a national treasure. With the career he’s had and the money he has, he still gives it his all as Frank Reynolds and it’s the greatest thing ever.

Flesh DeVito” ? Good lord, man, I think you just created a new Silent Hill creature. 

I’m more worried about people who have been confused into thinking this shit is funny.

Ideally once everything else gets fixed - sexism, capitalism, colonialism, religion, crime - then anyone who wants to be a sex worker should be free to be a sex worker.

It doesn’t look like Barr is trying to learn from her experience, though. Despite announcing that she was leaving Twitter, the actor-comedian, who’s also been dropped by her talent agency, has been retweeting fans’ defense of her actions, as well as retweeting (then undoing) a debunked post that claimed Jarrett

Nothing happened before Kinja. Life was a nightmare and no-tiered commenting ever existed!

Somewhat interestingly, even Breitbart straight-up says it was a “racist tweet.”


“Roseanne To Face Unemployment, Much Like The Working Class Americans She Claims To Represent”

Hey, Trump supporters aren’t racists! Haven’t you read any of the never-ending stream of articles profiling life in “Trump country”? All Trump supports are innocent folk who hang out in diners and, aw shucks, just want their factory jobs back. Their support for a man who began his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists


Breitbart has “Rosanne Cancelled” flashing on the front page like its a website designed in 1996

You know I started with getting the Soros check but the option to just get paid in Weed and abortion coupons is a real good deal.  

You can always be outraged at the number of news articles the AV Club wrote about this topic in such a short amount of time? I know people get upset at that even when new stuff happens, e.g., PWR BTTM.

that straight up made laugh out loud in real life so thank you.

Coming to ABC this fall, Boseanne!

A Trump supporter?

The ratings seems pretty solid even with the drop ftom the debut. I wonder if ABC will quietly ‘un- cancel’ the show at some point during the summer after the News cycle moves on. Perhaps drop a press release welcoming her back at 10am on the 4th of July.