
It’s eerily reminiscent of the sort of genteel manner “respectable” people from “good families” adopt in polite company, all while harboring hatred-filled, segregationist thoughts that let you know your place (in their minds). Or that clueless person who doesn’t see why you’re taking offense to their e-mail saying “go

I’ve found that these people will grasp onto absolutely anything to discredit people arguing with them. There’s no chance he’s actually offended by her language, he’s just trying to downplay his embarrassment by implying that the youth are rude/entitled/etc.

Perlmutter, being a Trump supporter, probably didn’t want Spencer to be too heavy handed with the allegories, even though Secret Empire #10 wasn’t very subtle about that sort of thing when the two Steves were fighting.

Even ignoring all that, the type of people to unironically call someone a “snowflake” all of a sudden gets their feelings hurt because a kid said “fuck?”

Having just been to Montana, of course he’s a Montana man.

When creatively bankrupt directors/show-runners somehow keep getting awarded high profile jobs involving beloved IP, you can usually assume it’s because they’re good at getting things done on time and within budget (see: Akiva Goldsman, the infamously incompetent writer/producer who was brought in on Discovery after

“sunk cost fallacy” AKA “why my Dad still supports Trump”.  

Especially when the dude running show curses ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Marvel / Disney’s most valuable asset is good will. Squandering it on this is incredibly stupid.

It’s pretty baffling that after spending three years establishing Inhumans as a concept on AoS, they seem to have made sure to have no connection whatsoever between the shows.

Scott Buck : MCU :: Zack Snyder : DCEU

Just stop putting so many things in the hands of your least interesting creatives, giant studios! People want to love these properties, but you make it a lot harder for them than you should.

Buck is more or less 0/3 at this point for me (I’m assuming that the reviews for this are

I just don’t think Inhumans are a strong enough IP to carry a movie or show on its own. AoS has handled them reasonably well so far, they should have just left well enough alone.

Who’s a good giant mutant dog? Who’s a good giant mutant dog?

Your lack of ellipses and use of the ten cent word “turgid” give it away.


I’d be proud as hell of my kid for this.

The girl’s burn is hot enough to turn frogs gay.

Norm being on the show ruins my one complaint/possible fix about this show: It stars Seth MacFarlane. He’s distracting to look at, some uncanny valley shit and I feel like his lips don’t line up to his words; he’d be better as the ships computer. But obviously Norm MacDonald is going to be better at being the ships

Would’ve been funnier if the conversation with the pearl-clutching beat “reporter” didn’t go like this:

Ironically, that girl’s burn is hot enough to melt steel beams.