No, it’s a temperature thing. Even under 60 degrees bread will start to go stale faster.
No, it’s a temperature thing. Even under 60 degrees bread will start to go stale faster.
*sigh* This is what he was elected to do. This is what voters wanted him to do. This isn’t a surprise, this type of thing was a fucking campaign promise. If you don’t like it, go vote and convince other people to do the same. Oh, and instead of talking about him and his decision, let’s start profiling the people this…
Donald Trump is a billionaire businessman who’s worn a suit his whole life.
Is there no end to his scumbaggery?
Deliberate ignorance? More like deliberate lies. I bet half the people saying this know it’s a lie.
Remember when Obama botched the Wilderness Campaign of 1864?
Member when America wasn’t a nation with a narcissistic, self obsessed baby-man as president and we weren’t teetering on the edge of political violence as a daily possibility? When Nazis were ashamed to speak out for fear of ridicule, before the internet had become a wretched hive of villainy and Pepe memes?
Basically, here’s the timeline:
Remember when Obama let the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor?
You’re . . . a little bit behind the times, aren’t you?
Technically, they’re accusing Obama of playing golf not during his presidency.
Well, that’s redundant.
Remember when Kanye West stood next to a stunned Mike Meyers and asserted that Barack Obama doesn’t care about black people? Good times!
Member when Obama just sat in that kindergarten classroom while the twin towers were under attack? Pepperedge Farm remembers.
They blame African-Americans for getting shot while unarmed. Of course they’ll blame one for a hurricane.
Trump supporters accusing Obama of playing golf during the presidency? That’s like the pot calling the kettle orange.
Yeah, unfortunately Snopes is now FAKE NEWS because they fact check stuff.
In three years the ‘90s will have started 30 years ago.
What are you people doing with the twist ties that come with the bread? Or are you buying those fancy loaves from the bakery department like yuppies with more money than they know what to do with?
What about us people who can’t just eat two slices of bread, end up eating the loaf, and then wallow in our shame?