
Wait... You linked to The Gateway Pundit?!?!

I think what people should do is consider the context before they make moral judgments. But then, I’m a decent person.

I don’t know if flagging actually does anything, but flag ‘em anyway. CaliGals is plainly engaging in racist hate speech.

... and to think there’s some good people still stuck in the grey

I miss Disqus’ ignore function.

Yeah, fuck you Sean for talking about that other thing when you could be scolding black people like this totally reputable blog.

That situation is exactly the same! Here’s your totally not false equivalency trophy.

I know you posted this to be like, SEEE THE NEGROS ARE STEALING!!!!!111!!!

Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.

I would like to imagine the average cop responding as thus, “Uh, who cares? They’re taking food, not TVs.”

Dude totally stole his outfit from Hammerhead.

Trump has never, ever genuinely apologized for anything is his life, including things far, far worse than Griffin’s stupid joke.

Pictured: CBS issuing the apology

The gist of the letter is “I said something mean, but that was before I found out how wonderful you are because I listened to fake news like CBS. Please grant my your forgiveness, Fox News.”

The President is obviously a kind, compassionate, and forgiving man.

“Please pacify the Nazi! That always works out fine!”

For me personally the move to Kinja resulted in an uptick of rude and insulting replies with some stating that no one cares about my opinion, that I’m an idiot or otherwise mentally challenged, that I’m lonely (funnily because I posted in what’s 4am in the US) and that I’m whiny because I dared to express my distaste

Hopefully it will soon learn that hippos are the deadliest land animal, and seek vengeance

How about the dog from Futurama? Now there was an actor!