Yeah, those are definitely things that only happened under the Obama administration and never before or again. /jackoffmotion
Yeah, those are definitely things that only happened under the Obama administration and never before or again. /jackoffmotion
Fair point, but do they factor in the regular business who will go elsewhere rather than deal with the manbabies?
Four way tie for me: BMO, because he/she is just so gosh-darn adorable; Ice King/Simon because he’s so friggin’ tragic; Marceline for being tragic and awesome; and PBubbs because she’s so ruthless it makes me hot.
When will people (and businesses) learn to stop catering to these pathetic manbabies?
As I kind of hinted in my earlier post, it’s fairly early on, like episode 3 or 4. Really just the first two that are so bleak.
I think it’d be a hard sell to call the first couple episodes straight-up comedy. I almost gave up because they were too bleak. Glad I stuck through it, though, because it was definitely funny by the time the season ended. But even then, there’s definitely a lot of drama driving the comic aspects of it, so yeah...…
Maybe, if you’re somewhere that you seldom if ever shop/eat. If you’re even kind of a regular, though, you may be gone, but you’re not “gone.”
Really?! It’s almost never okay to hit on someone if you’re their customer. Why? Because there’s a sense of obligation there. If they say no, you’re presumably going to take your business elsewhere, so they’re being held hostage by your patronage. Just don’t do it!
I’m just amazed to find out that they’ve apparently kept Jake Lloyd in cryogenic stasis for the past 20 years.
It’s because the minute Russia stopped being Communist, they suddenly stopped being The Enemy. Duh. Surely no capitalist “Democracy*” could want to see the US suffer.
I also grew up Christian, and Graham represents a side of “Christianity” that I abhor. The damage this man and his followers have done to, and in the name of, Christianity, is unfathomable. Sure, as others have noted, he wasn’t as big a scumbag as Jerry Falwell or Jim Bakker or Pat Robertson, but that’s a super low…
The only problem there is that he wouldn’t be able to experience the empty, black abyss of non-existence to realize he was wrong. Therefore my vote has to go for the hell option.
While I’m generally opposed to the very concept of “party culture,” W.K. seems like a genuinely great dude and this is genuinely happy news.
Really? “Rest in peace” for this hateful bigot piece of shit? Burn in hell, Graham! I don’t believe in hell, but for your sake I hope I’m wrong.
Oh, so showing that his sexuality is something personal that doesn’t make him a fundamentally different person is a bad thing? Please. Especially in his case it made sense for it never to be mentioned again. That very failure to mention it was, in a way, pointing out that as a cop he had to be closeted, otherwise his…
Amazingly, it was that scene that helped me get past the show’s gratuitous profanity. I mean, I don’t have a problem with profanity, typically, but the first few episodes were too much for me where literally every other word was “fuck.” But then that scene happened and I was floored. The amount of information they…
Yeah, even as a Christian, I always though Samson was a frankly pathetic and unsympathetic character. He was literally Too Dumb to Live. As you so ably pointed out, it’s not like he didn’t have plenty of proof that Delilah was not looking out for his best interest.
It was pretty good. Not fantastic, but worth a watch.
Maybe it was just the way I was raised. My parents wouldn’t have caved to my whining, they were already treating me by getting me a Happy Meal to begin with. Most parents I know personally operate about the same. Granted, this is all anecdotal, but still, I think there are more good parents out there who won’t cave to…
Only for the few fucking dumbass parents who will fork out cash for the extra cheeseburger. Most won’t.