Good question, but kind of a trap because it’s going to be hard for most people to answer that without sounding self-satisfied.
Good question, but kind of a trap because it’s going to be hard for most people to answer that without sounding self-satisfied.
I mean, number one obviously should only be answered with “pie,” because, “duh.” Seriously, though, flaky, savory shell filled with delicious fillings vs. (typically) flavorless dry sponge topped with diabetes-inducing frosting barf. No contest.
You’re correct there’s nothing wrong with the word. However, there is a whole fuckton wrong with its usage by MRAs, though. They use it to dehumanize and “other” women. They refer to women as “females” as if they’re referring to some sort of alien specimen. So, yeah, when some nerd refers to women as “females” it’s…
Yeah, my main issue was that literally every virus/malware that has ever infected any of my computers has come from some sort of ad that I didn’t even click on.
I can’t speak for Twitter, but I can tell you that Facebook actually does have tremendous value. It’s hands-down the greatest marketing research/advertising tool in the history of mankind. From a business perspective, Facebook gives you better bang for your advertising buck than literally any other medium, primarily…
Honestly? Probably immediately upon someone developing an ad-blocker for Twitter (assuming that hasn’t already happened). As much as I love my ad-blocker, it really is killing a lot of sites. Hell, is circling the drain right now due to ad-blockers. Not going to feel too guilty about it, though, as most…
Because they’re still getting exposure. Sure, clicks direct from the ad to their website/malware are much more valuable, but just knowing people are seeing it is still worth quite a bit to them.
That’s not the point of these petitions (as hopelessly idealistic as they may be). The point is that 45 is going to end the fucking world via Twitter. In his hands, Twitter is essentially a WMD, and it needs to be confiscated. It won’t be, but it should be.
Looked like a pretty good guest list. Then: Howard Stern.
“Egads” is perfectly cromulent, but it is most definitely derived from “ye gods,” much in the same way that “goodbye” derives from “god bless you/god be with you.”
Any bets on how long it’ll take for this douche to experience a career resurgence as he’s embraced by the alt-right?
Both the OP and I were referring to Harmon’s general habit/reputation for hurting people, not necessarily just this particular instance. So, yes, I was making a broad statement because I was talking broadly about his history of being an asshole, which is largely down to his alcoholism.
Well, if there’s one thing we’ve learned from the Trump regime, it’s that tweeting is not dependent on sentience/sapience.
The problem is, a lot of the hurt he caused was due to his substance abuse, not necessarily his autism. And while that goes some way toward explaining why a person does hurtful things, it’s never an excuse. “I’m sorry I hurt you, I was drunk,” just doesn’t cut it.
“We’d all love to improve it, but if you care enough to try, you’re obviously an SJW libtard snowflake cuck.”
He’s a real-life Rick Sanchez.
A lot of what was said in that twitter exchange doesn’t really rule out that possibility, though. At this moment in time, as vague and awful as its implication is, “misconduct” is probably the most succinct and accurate word to use.
Even though he’s acknowledging that she co-owns that laundry? That’s the one thing about this where I’ll actually give Harmon significant credit (assuming he’s not just trying to avoid airing his own shit and that he’s being honest in not wanting to embarrass Ganz further).
Does this gimmick really work if you’re reposting sane, non-Right Wing Daily Mail commenters?
Shit... this is what I get for not scrolling down to read comments before I post my own :(